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Newbie Question @ Hotend Temp Display LCD

Posted by Janski 
Newbie Question @ Hotend Temp Display LCD
March 03, 2014 01:16PM
Hey Makers,

Current Ord Project is giving me 2 issues at printing stage:

1. Display of temp Heater Block vs Hot End Spout .4 is inconsistent. I have measured the temp of the tip of the hot end @ 200-230C . The Heat Block @ 256/260 maxed out. Do I have to move the thermistor to the end of the endstop extrusion spot or can I keep it between the block and the tip? My thinking is that it would then work that much harder to accomplish that temp if i move it down. Please advise.

2. The Extruder Feeding system.
Should i switch into the ball bearing wheel ?
Attached is the pic of the extruder. Using the stock parts and here the gear is compressed by the nut drilled into the hole. it is not feeding well. I have to press it to pass through. How much resistance should there be from the filament?

Please advise.
open | download - extruder_filament not feeding well.jpg (34.3 KB)
Re: Newbie Question @ Hotend Temp Display LCD
March 03, 2014 09:48PM
What extruder is that and where did you buy it from? If it doesn't use a ball bearing idler, then you should upgrade to one.

What hot end are you using and where did you buy it from? There shouldn't be that much of a temperature gradient from your heater block to the nozzle tip. How are you measuring the temp of the tip of the hot end?

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Re: Newbie Question @ Hotend Temp Display LCD
March 04, 2014 12:07AM
The Extruder is QUBD. Where do you recommend getting ball bearing idler? I will look but in case you have a good source.

The hotend is a .4mm Nozzle and Using 40w 5mm Heater cartridge.

I moved the thermistor to the tip of the Nozzle. This seems to achieve true temp of 230 at that spot. Now the LCD and the Nozzle read the same temp. smiling smiley

Problem is with the Filament Feeder. I have not yet checked but I would find the feeder clogged with ABS. Used a drill to clean it out. The clog happens above the heater block and the nozzle. It seems as though the feeder tube is cooler and it causes the plastic to stick .

From your experience. Have you ran into any issues with the tube clogging with plastic?


Re: Newbie Question @ Hotend Temp Display LCD
March 04, 2014 11:15AM
Something like this for the idler: [www.thingiverse.com]

Lots of people have problems with the QU-BD extruders.

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