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Printing circles that look like ovals

Posted by Doug1 
Printing circles that look like ovals
March 03, 2014 05:29PM
Ok just wondering the best way to fix this.

Some history. I had a problem with the Yaxis missing steps, To fix that

1. Changed out printed pully with a metal one that came with the belts.
2. Tightened the belt.
3. Lubed the Y axis smooth rod

So that seemed to work a so also had a problem with the excruder head leaking so i took that apart cleaned it and put it back.

Now my problem is circles arnt circles anymore. So i am thinking possible causes are.

1. I used to have a washer crammed in there to take up some blank space between jhead block and hot end. Though possibly taking that out the head could move more when plastic was forced into it.
2. ( see Y axis issue ) i changed out the pully.

So planning to change out X axis pully as well which probably fix the issue, and create one. New issue going to be ( if it works ) which one was right to begin with. Obviously it cant be both of them or i wouldnt have oval prints.

Rather then figuring that out best plan would be to recalibrate X and Y this is the part i need some advice on. How ?

steps_per_mm = (motor_steps_per_rev * driver_microstep) / (belt_pitch * pulley_number_of_teeth) this works but the question is where does this info go into the firmware at ?
Re: Printing circles that look like ovals
March 03, 2014 06:06PM

steps_per_mm = (motor_steps_per_rev * driver_microstep) / (belt_pitch * pulley_number_of_teeth)

This is correct. [calculator.josefprusa.cz] is a good check to any hand calculations.

The results go into Configuration.h in the following line:

#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT   {78.7402,78.7402,200.0*8/3,760*1.1}

Where the numbers are for X, Y, Z, E axes.

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