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Z axis too short

Posted by cfy7 
Z axis too short
March 07, 2014 03:45AM
I've tried printing several objects now, including a 25mm hollow cube and they all come out short. The hollow cube is only 15mm tall when complete. The height the objects should be has been verified in sketch up and pointer face.

I believe I have set the define axis command correctly in the config file. The number for the z axis motor and rod setup is 4000.

When I tell the machine to move up or down 10mm in pointerface it does so accurately, all the way to to 100mm.

I've lubed up the threaded m5 rods and they move pretty easily.

The vref on the stepper driver is at about .4. I've tried it all the way up to .55 and beyond.

The x axis stays level and it appears both z motors are working well together.

What am I doing wrong?
Re: Z axis too short
March 07, 2014 04:45AM
Can you post the STL you created?

Waitaki 3D Printer
Re: Z axis too short
March 07, 2014 09:10AM

The printer prints other things too short as well though.

Re: Z axis too short
March 07, 2014 09:47AM
I also want to say the prints look decent, not like they're squished or anything, or there is too much plastic for the layers. The corners all look sharp as well. I have calibrated the feed rate in the config as well.
open | download - image.jpg (30.4 KB)
Re: Z axis too short
March 07, 2014 10:59AM
After going through a lot of threads, found the one below and used it to edit my z axis speed. Looks like that was the issue.

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