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Layer Height 50% of actual value

Posted by bishupz1 
Layer Height 50% of actual value
March 12, 2014 12:08AM
I was wondering if anyone has had the same problem... there are a lot of posts but no clear answer as many things effect the height.

I am trying to print the 5mm cube to test all of my calculations.

I calibrated my machine: x,y, & z. they are perfectly 100mm when clicked or other increments are done.

I have calibrated the first layer and preceeding layer.
Nozzle size 0.4mm
First Layer: 0.2
Layers: 0.4
(there are many variations I have tried..)

I have tried altering the steps for the z-axis and nothing happens.
I am using Repetier Host V0.90c

Does anyone have any advice as to how to accomplish an accurate print after a machine has been calculated? I might be missing something very simple...
Re: Layer Height 50% of actual value
March 12, 2014 01:18PM
I don't understand what you are measuring...are you printing the 5mm tall piece and its coming out 2.5mm or what?

The best test would be print the 5mm tall piece with a layer height that divides evenly, .25 or .33 are close. Also, you shouldn't be doing .4mm high layers with a .4mm nozzle. Recommended max layer height for .4mm nozzle is actually closer to .28/.3mm.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/12/2014 01:22PM by tjb1.
Re: Layer Height 50% of actual value
March 12, 2014 04:20PM
The measurement were just to convey that the movement of steppers and axis were fine tuned.

I will try the new setting and see what happens.
Re: Layer Height 50% of actual value
March 12, 2014 04:55PM
This may have to do with the acceleration for your Z axis. If it is too high, and the hardware cannot attain the speed fast enough, then the next layer would be put down at too low of a height. Several people have reported this issue and, in at least a couple of them, this was the answer
Re: Layer Height 50% of actual value
March 12, 2014 09:16PM
Thank you for the post... I know that it might not seem like a lot of informatin, but it was the starting point I needed. for some reason the 5mm cube from thingverse is not that accurate, the 10mm is a more stable model for testing.

I reverted back to a post that I read about the layers and calibration, where the first layer was printed and the individual measures the first layer for accuracy and relative settings. I am sure after the next test print I will do a print run where it is the first and second layer, just to see how accurate everything is.

wow is are these printers picky about accuracy, well both the printer and quality I am looking for. It is a good task honing in these printers...

Thanks again.
Re: Layer Height 50% of actual value
March 13, 2014 08:28AM
Thank you for the post... I know that it might not seem like a lot of informatin, but it was the starting point I needed. for some reason the 5mm cube from thingverse is not that accurate, the 10mm is a more stable model for testing.

I reverted back to a post that I read about the layers and calibration, where the first layer was printed and the individual measures the first layer for accuracy and relative settings. I am sure after the next test print I will do a print run where it is the first and second layer, just to see how accurate everything is.

wow is are these printers picky about accuracy, well both the printer and quality I am looking for. It is a good task honing in these printers...

Thanks again.

You are wasting a lot of time trying to measure the first layer. There are so many variables with that layer that it will take you forever to get that right. Your Z home will affect that, the slicer can change that, extrusion width, etc. I know Slic3r usually defaults to a 200% first layer extrusion width and usually the first layer is cut lower than the rest and then if your Z home isn't perfect you are going to chase your tail all day.

Just pick a model with a known Z height, slice it with a layer height that divides evenly AND matches your Z screw pitch and adjust until model comes out correctly.
Re: Layer Height 50% of actual value
March 13, 2014 02:53PM
That is best advice I have heard...

I made the mistake of updating Repetier Host to the latest version, bad mistake! now nothing works.

I knew I should have stuck with the old version and not changed anything...
Re: Layer Height 50% of actual value
March 14, 2014 06:02PM
Great Video Explaining all the facets that are a part of extruding and layers.

(very extensive explanation)

(simple explanation)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/14/2014 06:05PM by bishupz1.
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