Hi guys, while printing a part this morning, the print nozzle started at correct height, but when moving from the starting point to the first line, the nozzle lowered and dug into the print bed.
I was reprinting the same part as yesterday, from SD-card so it's the same correct file. There is only one file on the card.
Tried to move the Z-axis from sdramps while lifting the carriage so the endstop is free, but the Z-motors only want to move down.
Anything that can cause this? When I press the Z-endstop while moving the motors down they stop as expected.
Setup is Ramps on a MendelMax 1.5
Is it possible that somehow after months of perfect service, the Marlin configuration damages? I can not imagine this being the case. But when I get back home later today, I will try to reload the firmware as I have the hunch that is might have gotten damaged.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/12/2014 04:34AM by Ohmarinus.