Hello! I am a noob when it comes to printing, but I know the basics.I was given a Prusa Mendel i1, and I was told it was working and ready to go. Anyway, I am having some major issues, first, the thermistor reports NEGATIVE temps and the extruder doesn't heat up at all. The stepper motor controllers are some pololu ones, I was told, but they use a TI chip. The stepper motor themselves aren't working very well, they make noises but don't move or move extremely slow no matter how much I adjust the POT on the drivers. Currently, I have an Azteeg X3 board with the Repetier firmware on it. Can I have some assistance or suggestions? Pics to follow soon.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2014 12:39PM by myprusasucks.