I've been working on a little 3 axis Cartesian robot using threaded rod as leadscrews with custom made leadscrew nuts. So far this seems to be working great, there's very little backlash (in fact so little to be unnoticeable so far), the leadscrews turn very easily and my motors have no problem turning them, and so far it's working well milling PCBs and aluminium.
Now I would like to make this truly multi function. I'm already working on attachments so it can be used as a lathe and I definitely would also like it to be able to print.I read on the Wolfstrap wiki page that the speed of the axis was too slow at times so is there a recommend or rule of thumb minimum to achieve decent prints?
Also in the long run I would like to make my machine "self replicating" and make the designs/schematics available FOSS style. Is there already a name for replicating rapid production and milling machines?
Sorry if this has already been answered but the search didn't bring up anything.