Hello everyone. Finally, I am able to get some decent prints, but far away from satisfying ones. If anyone helped me with these issues, I would be grateful.
1. Some Z axis artifact, I dont know, what this could be. It looks like over extruding, or skipped layer.
2. Prints have slightly wider bottom. Is it for printing bed being too close to the nozzle in the begining? Also, vertical artifacts visible here, some say it might be belts over smooth idler, some say it is steppers turning, some say it is due acceleration.
3. Top solid infill is not smooth, it has stiches. Tried to adjust many settings, still not happy with the results.
I am printing 0.4mm nozzle, 0.195 layer height, 125% first layer, 30-50 mm/s speed, 500 mm/s2 acceleration. PLA 200 degrees, hotbed 55 degrees.
Thank you