Solidoodle 4's design is flawed or uses bad parts it seems November 16, 2014 03:01AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 12 |
1) Belt Tension. This is the most common reason for shifting. You will want to take a look at this tutorial and follow the instructions. Belt Tension Tutorial Remember, the main idea behind this calibration is to get both Y belts with equal tension. The belts should have some bend to them so be sure not to over tighten.
2) Stepper motor voltage. You can check the voltage for the stepper chip using a multi-meter and this tutorial. Multi-Meter Testing
3) Check to make sure your filament is spinning freely. If it tangles it can cause skipping since the extruder pulls harder on the spool.
Some additional things to check that could cause skipping:
1) Make sure you do not have any of the zip ties that were attached when we shipped the printer. They can eventually move to a point that would interfere with printing.
2) Rods may need more grease. This will be more relevant to older printers but can rarely apply to newer printers.
3) Turn the motors off (or simply remove the power to the printer) and move the axis with your hands the full range of motion. The belt or carriage can get stuck and this helps loosen it.
4) Inspect the belts to see if there is any sign of wear and tear to the teeth.
5) Motor or motherboard overheating. You can try pointing a small fan at the motherboard and print again.
6) In general, make sure the printer is not in a location can be moved suddenly by accidentally bumping into it or the surface it is on.
7) The small belt for the Y motor (located in the back of the printer) can be too tight. This is rare since it does not have a big range of tightness. This can only be adjusted by loosening the 4 hex screws that hold the motor in place and then using the motor itself to tighten or loosen the belt by repositioning it on the frame.
Multimeter Testing
Please visit Multimeter Testing Your Solidoodle for more information.
Pulleys not moving correctly. The ones on the back of the printer can be adjusted with the set screws while the ones in the front can be adjusted with the nuts. The bolts themselves can be greased if necessary.
The teflon blocks for the Y carriages can be check to make sure they aren't positioned too tightly on the rod.
The rod in the back of the machine may be wobbly or bent (this is the thin rod that goes side to side). This is also related to the small belt tension that can be adjusted with the Y motor position. If there is too much tension on that rod or if it is already wobbly or bent, it would cause problems.
Re: Solidoodle 4's design is flawed or uses bad parts it seems November 16, 2014 11:06AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 1,401 |
Re: Solidoodle 4's design is flawed or uses bad parts it seems November 16, 2014 03:05PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 12 |
Re: Solidoodle 4's design is flawed or uses bad parts it seems January 14, 2015 01:39PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 1 |
Re: Solidoodle 4's design is flawed or uses bad parts it seems January 15, 2015 12:31PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 36 |
Re: Solidoodle 4's design is flawed or uses bad parts it seems January 19, 2015 10:59PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 3 |