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ABS Temperature Settings

Posted by Henners56789 
ABS Temperature Settings
January 21, 2015 12:32PM

I have recently finished my first reprap build (A slightly modified steel framed Prusa i3), however, I am struggling to calibrate the printer. I want to use ABS due to the higher temperature applications it allows. I have calibrated the printer using triffid hunters calibration guide. The calibration has resulted in the following temperature settings: 194C for hot end, 115C first layer heated bed and then 110C from there on. To me this temperature seems to be very low as everything else I have read online appears to start around 220C, is anyone else printing ABS as low as this? I am querying this mainly because I am having an issue with corner lift when printing larger objects, this always occurs at the front right corner of a print and occasionally the back right corner resulting in a failed print after about 4 layers. Any help would be appreciated.

Re: ABS Temperature Settings
January 21, 2015 01:29PM
I print ABS at 230c with a 110c bed. If your first layer is too high you can have adhesion issues as well.
Re: ABS Temperature Settings
January 21, 2015 02:12PM
I currently print using a 0.1mm first layer thickness a 0.4mm nozzle and use a glass heated bed.
Re: ABS Temperature Settings
January 22, 2015 01:56AM
My kits manufacture profile has ABS @ 230 and bed @ 100
Re: ABS Temperature Settings
January 22, 2015 01:53PM
I see lots of folks talk about the kinds of temperature you're talking about but I was getting charring on mine if I went over 205 extruder and 75 bed. With those numbers on clean Kapton over glass I do get corner lift if I don't zero the Z axis to get a little squeeze on the first layer. It gives a little elephant's foot but not much (and with ABS the sanding is easy as needed).
Re: ABS Temperature Settings
January 22, 2015 05:04PM
205C?! thats fairly cold for ABS, heck ive ran mine up to 270c before with no ill issues.
Re: ABS Temperature Settings
February 05, 2015 03:12PM
I have now bought a role of Kapton tape and applied this to the glass heated bed, the effect has been outstanding and has almost completely eliminated the corner lifting. However I am still printing below 200C, I bought my kit from Sainsmart, the kit included 2 100k thermistors, however, I don't know what exact thermistors they are so I have just used the 1st table in the firmware can anyone confirm whether this is right? I think if they are not the 1st table my printer maybe reading incorrect temperature values.
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