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End Gcode not executed

Posted by WallyL 
End Gcode not executed
June 23, 2015 09:58AM
A while ago my Velleman K8200 suddenly started doing something strange: at the end of a print, it simply stops with the nozzle still in contact with the last layer. It does not execute the End Gcode and will not respond to the manual control until the reset button on the board is pressed.

What could be the cause? What is the solution?

Any suggestions will be welcome!


To get the right answer, you must ask the right question!
Re: End Gcode not executed
June 23, 2015 11:02AM
What's the end gcode in question, and do you see it clearly present in the file you are printing?

- Tim
Re: End Gcode not executed
July 01, 2015 11:10AM
The endcode is:

M109 S100 ; extruder standby temperature
M104 S10 ; bed standby temperature
G1 Y200 F1800 ; park at end of job
M106 S254 ; fan on
M84 ; disable motors

It is clearly visible in the Preview GCode, but the printer just stops at the end of the print; it will do nothing until I press the Reset button on the controller board.
I even tried it with no End Gcode, it makes no difference.


To get the right answer, you must ask the right question!
Re: End Gcode not executed
July 01, 2015 12:10PM
I'm not sure how the g1 y200 F1800 command is supposed to work.. My end gcode in cura is:

M104 S0 ;extruder heater off
M140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)
G91 ;relative positioning
G1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure
G1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more
G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way
M84 ;steppers off
G90 ;absolute positioning

The 3rd to last line specifies to home x and y (never home z at the end of a print!!), while yours only specifies to move the y axis, although I'm confused as to why it would be stopping and not moving to y200..
anyway, try using g28 x0 y0 instead. (just be ready to yank the power to your printer if something blows up) tongue sticking out smiley

Master Tinkerer
Re: End Gcode not executed
July 01, 2015 03:34PM
You should turn off your extruder and heated bed instead of going to standby temp. Your machine is waiting for the temps to drop.

You could also place your park at end of job before M104 and M140 so that the print head moves off the print before waiting for the temp drop.
Re: End Gcode not executed
July 02, 2015 04:59PM
I think your printer wait until the bed reach 10 degrees.
This never happens in a normal room.
Can your bed go under the room temp?
Normally, NO.
Re: End Gcode not executed
July 03, 2015 03:19AM
M104 and M140 should not cause the firmware to wait. I suspect there may be a bug in the firmware you are running that causes the M84 command to be executed immediately instead of after all moves have been completed. Try putting a M400 or a G4 P1 command one line above the M84 command.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2015 03:19AM by dc42.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: End Gcode not executed
July 03, 2015 01:50PM
M109 will, and the bed temp is M140, not M104 . . . M104 is extruder with no wait . . . So, what happens when the extruder temp is in a wait, and reset? Might the wait carry to the new temp? Or the new temp sets, so the M109 can never succeed?

In any case

M104 S100
M140 S10

would be far more appropriate for the temps . . .

- Tim
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