I have a custom build I3
I have Arduino mega 2560R3 ramps1,4 sangolulu drivers
Large lcd screen
latest marlin
Trought arduino ide, i select the mega 2560 at the right port, then i set de baudrate and motherboard to 33, compile, and upload to de board,
then i start repetier and set the baudrate and the right port, the connection button gets green and says disconect, but i can not send any commands, and the printer information screen is blank ?
and trought the lcd all work fine, exept the extruder motor i think its becouse it needs to get hot in order to move it, but when i switch extruder and y axes the motor moves
just for any case i have ordered a other mega 2560
any ideas
i have googled and saw that this is a common problem
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/31/2015 12:10PM by Shogun.