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Printer stalls at start of print and becomes unresponsive

Posted by Thegr33ngoblin 
Printer stalls at start of print and becomes unresponsive
March 12, 2016 06:16PM
Alright guys I have a Prusa running Marlin firmware using

The issue: when I load a gcode file from slic3r which once printed, the printer says started print. But it does not move. It doesn't home it doesn't begin heating the hot end it doesn't center. And if I hit stop print the printer is no longer responsive without disconnecting and reconnecting. Before I print it will carry out any command no problem it heats it homes it centers.

Set up : no endstops triggerd when they shouldn't be and no heat bed. I was able to print before no problem beyond normal calibration issues.
Re: Printer stalls at start of print and becomes unresponsive
March 12, 2016 07:22PM
Did you wait long enough for the bed & hotend to get to temperature? It won't start printing until then.
Re: Printer stalls at start of print and becomes unresponsive
March 13, 2016 10:18AM
Yes there is no hotbed connected, I can start the hot end manually, then start print when it is to temp nothing will happen, if I start print cold it never initiates hot end or says waiting fo temp. I only say it started print, I was able to print before. I printed several things then it quit working.
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