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Marlin firmware. missing movment

Posted by tintinz 
Marlin firmware. missing movment
August 23, 2016 07:28AM

I need some help to identify this mess..

I have a Mbot Cube plywood and have change to ramps1.4 ( old arduino mega.. )
using marlin firmware.
on the picture it looks like the printer is "miss stepping" but nothing sounds when it happening..
so i wanna say there is somthing with the arduino. but still not sure..

sliceing with repetier-host/slic3r 1.2.9
using my MKS TFT28 and computer will give me this result. if I'm printing from raspberry pi Octopi this never happening still using same file.

open | download - IMG_20160823_131044.jpg (277.4 KB)
open | download - IMG_20160823_131101.jpg (177 KB)
Re: Marlin firmware. missing movment
August 23, 2016 09:14AM
Not sure yet.. but after i change the potentiometer on stepper driver for Y. it seams to work.. I lower it. just little. still so I i can be sure it's not to low.
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