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Uneven layers on reprap.

Posted by Balaji121 
Uneven layers on reprap.
January 26, 2017 05:45AM
Hi ,assembled new he3d reprap kit.Can someone help me out to solve uneven layers as shown in figure.
open | download - IMG_20170120_144211.jpg (332.3 KB)
Re: Uneven layers on reprap.
February 02, 2017 01:30AM
have you set proper nozzle size 0.4 0.3 and filament diameter 1.75 or 3 then your layer height 0.2 for start and extrusion width usually % or let slicer decide and list goes on calibrate extruder so you get 10 mm filament not 9 or 11 when you tell it 10 and the extrusion multiplier default is 1 make it .85 and try this first and level the bed . New printers need a " burn in time " and practice prints and fine tuning and play with temp setting and start with some PLA and belt tension lots to learn lots to do just a matter of reading and learning and printing things like cable chains with bridges and a 3dbenchy boat
Re: Uneven layers on reprap.
February 02, 2017 02:45AM
material, slicer, print parameters
Re: Uneven layers on reprap.
February 02, 2017 09:44AM
And filament diameter 1.75 or 3
I use nothing but 3mm and I can tell you that none of them are 3mm. More like 2.85mm Measure the filament for the slicer.
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