Extruder Temperature Out of Control
February 08, 2017 07:27PM
Hello everyone,

I'm running a Hictop Prusa i3. I have ran it rather successfully the last 4 months or so. I had fixed a clogged nozzle, and on my next print I believe my extruder heater cables shorted out and melted one of the connections off. I resoldered the connected and booted, but temperature ramps to about 210 immediately and I can't get it to cool. I'm thinking something has blown. Any suggestions?

Re: Extruder Temperature Out of Control
February 09, 2017 03:33AM
It sounds to me as though you have shorted or damaged the extruder thermistor.
Re: Extruder Temperature Out of Control
February 09, 2017 08:36AM
If it is heating up as soon as power is switched on, it's most likely the mosfet gone short circuit
Re: Extruder Temperature Out of Control
February 09, 2017 03:14PM
If it is heating up as soon as power is switched on, it's most likely the mosfet gone short circuit

I thought this might be the case. I believe i have read that the heater could be powered on the E1 supply rather than E0 - do you know how this is done or if there is a guide?
Re: Extruder Temperature Out of Control
February 09, 2017 03:59PM
If your useing marlin firmware you need to change the pin asignment in pins_RAMPS.h

* Hi Voltage PWM Pin Assignments

#ifndef MOSFET_D_PIN
#define MOSFET_D_PIN -1
#ifndef RAMPS_D8_PIN
#define RAMPS_D8_PIN 8
#ifndef RAMPS_D9_PIN
#define RAMPS_D9_PIN 9
#ifndef RAMPS_D10_PIN
#define RAMPS_D10_PIN 10

swap the 8 and 9
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