I have built a large format 3D printer, and I am having a very odd issue. I just finished defining AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT for each axis of my unique 3D printer. Before homing the printer everything works as expected. However, after homing the Z-Axis when I go to the print panel in Repetier-Host and move the Z-axis any distance in the opposite direction of the end stop the Z-Axis won't stop moving in that direction until I hit the emergency stop. This does not occur for any other axis after homing and it does not happen to the Z-axis before homing. Even stranger, once I hit home all and all the axis reach home and I try and move the Y-axis the Z-axis moves until I hit the emergency stop. This is bewildering to me. Any help would be awesome.
What information should I provide to help diagnose this problem?
I am using Marlin 1.1.3 and my G-Code sender is Repetier-Host
Ramps 1.4 with ST-M5045 stepper drivers (I wasn't joking about large format)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/04/2017 10:34PM by DrDFlo.