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Need help with printing.

Posted by dlw 
Need help with printing.
November 21, 2017 06:10PM
Apologies for the terrible photo.

As shown, when reaching the ends of the upright, too much filament is being printed causing a 'hump'.

How is this prevented? Nozzle = 195, Bed = 60, Speed 80. Extrusion rate is perfect at 100mm.

Any help appreciated.
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Re: Need help with printing. REPOST
November 23, 2017 10:23AM
Back again with better photo. Nozzle temp reset at 180c.

When nozzle gets to end, it leaves too much filament as shown in lower right corner.
About half way, the layers are distorted. The distortion seems to begin when the circle is started.
Is there a way to 'fill' the circle temporarily.

Any help appreciated.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/23/2017 10:24AM by dlw.
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Re: Need help with printing. REPOST
November 23, 2017 10:34PM
I take it that this photo is showing the object upside-down? That, when it's printed, there is open space underneath the nozzle when it's printing above the circle? That's called a bridge.

The best answer is to design around that, so that you don't print long bridges. I can't see what's on the other side of your object, but if you rotate it 90 degrees so that the face with the circle in in it is flat on the bed, it will completely eliminate the bridge where you have the problem. It may of course introduce a new bridge on the part I can't see. But hopefully that will be short enough to print well enough. But no bridge beyond 0.4mm or so will ever be perfect.

The second-best answer is that a print cooling fan, directed at the nozzle tip, will help the extruded filament to set quickly, allowing you to bridge over gaps. But it will never be perfect.

The third-best answer is to tell your slicer (Slic3r, Cura, or similar) to generate support for overhanging features like bridges. But it will waste filament, and leave traces where it was attached, so it won't be perfect either.

My answer is to print circles a smidgen smaller than you require, then drill them out to the right size.
Re: Need help with printing.
November 24, 2017 07:21AM
When your print finishes does the nozle move away from the print? Just wondering if the hump is oozing. If not you may want to set the end code to home X or something. What is your retraction setting?
Distortion horizontal to a feature such as a hole is common. Can't offer a solution but there are a lot of examples in this forum. The solution is probably quite involved and may require delving into accel settings etc.
Re: Need help with printing.
November 24, 2017 08:04PM
Redesigned with hole on heat bed.
Will let y'all know what happens.
Re: Need help with printing.
November 24, 2017 10:56PM
And, I thought the black one was bad.
Might be better off separating this.
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Re: Need help with printing.
November 25, 2017 12:32AM
You don't have a part cooling fan, do you? Get a regular fan to blow across the bed if you don't.
Re: Need help with printing.
November 25, 2017 12:56AM
There is the fan that came with it next to the nozzle.
Re: Need help with printing.
November 25, 2017 08:01AM
Show image of your parts cooling fan and at what speed are you running the parts cooling fan.
Re: Need help with printing.
November 25, 2017 09:25AM
Talk fan: Photo with models. Stopped one on right as it was going bad. The end that is messed up was toward the back of printer. So, when extruder was backing away, the nozzle blocked the fan.
Turned a test piece, the model on the left, parallel to fan. Big difference, no problem.

Turned fan in printer to Full. Not sure what it was to start with.

Now, when printing via laptop/Cura, which has control of the printer, Cura or the printer; or both?

The fan damage was present when shipped. Actually, it was loose in the box. Cheap clone!
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Re: Need help with printing.
November 25, 2017 05:59PM
My duct fan is in the shape of a C and the nozzle sits in the middle so I get air half way around the nozzle down towards the model.

I have Attached so If you want to try it you a use my model to create your own style. I have a center duct to direct air to a half circle heat sink on the throat.


I have cut this heat sink between the fins to create two - 2 fin heat sinks.

As shown in the last photo

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 11/25/2017 06:13PM by Roberts_Clif.
Re: Need help with printing.
November 25, 2017 08:20PM
Made some changes, hope they help.
Thanks for the help; I will be back.

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