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Prints inverted/mirrored

Posted by majorkuso 
Prints inverted/mirrored
November 13, 2019 12:50PM
I am printing an xyz calibration cube on my k280 delta, but it prints the Y on the left of the x and the on top as expected. When I print the same cube on my Anet E10 it comes out correct with the y on the right and on front, if I compare the two the delta one has to be flipped with the z on the bottom to get it to match the Anet Print. Any,ideas? I used Cura 4.3.0 for both. I have attached a photo with delta on left
open | download - Configuration_adv.h (69.3 KB)
open | download - Configuration.h (77.7 KB)
open | download - cubes.jpg (582.4 KB)
Re: Prints inverted/mirrored
November 13, 2019 10:09PM
The Z is backwards on the left cube... no amount or rotating it will fix this.

Mirrored printing on a delta normally means you have assigned the XYZ towers incorrectly. Convention is that the X tower is front left, the Y tower is front right, and the Z tower is back center.

Swap the stepper motors and endstop plugs on the controller to match this configuration.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/13/2019 10:10PM by Dust.
Re: Prints inverted/mirrored
November 14, 2019 01:08AM
that is exactly what it was, thanks, are there any good guides on tuning a delta, for instance if one side is too high do I increase or decrease the radius?
Re: Prints inverted/mirrored
November 14, 2019 03:42AM
I would suggest you ask that in the Delta Machines sub forum here. [reprap.org]
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