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Help needed for a 3D printing issue

Posted by JNOD 
Help needed for a 3D printing issue
January 24, 2022 06:11AM
Hello, I have spent a lot of time googling looking for an explanation and solution to a problem I have.

I use an anycubic chiron printer, but I think I have seen this on other printers to. I use cura for slicing and pretty standard settings printing pla.

I am printing a cyclindrical object and it seems that rather than print in full circles, it prints up to a point, then turns around and goes back around the circle. At the points it turns around, there is a definite vertical line (as each layer builds, there are features at the point it turns back).

On the left hand side of the vertical line, the layers look nicely fused, on the right hand side of this line, the layers are fuzzy and there is too little plastic extruded here.

For some reason it won't let me upload my picture (it is only 2Mcool smiley, so I had to describe the problem.

Please advise on what the cause might be, and more importantly a potential fix?

Many thanks in advance!
Re: Help needed for a 3D printing issue
January 24, 2022 06:14AM
Can't upload a 2MB photo for some reason, it says "413 Request Entity Too Large" but the file is under 2 MB.
Re: Help needed for a 3D printing issue
January 24, 2022 06:21AM
made it below 1MB and it worked!

so you can see the issue I described, please can anybody offer an explanation and solution?

Thank you!
open | download - Capture.PNG (859.6 KB)
Re: Help needed for a 3D printing issue
January 25, 2022 07:04AM
Sounds like the STL file isn't "meshed" correctly.
I can't remember if you can correct it in the slicer.
Im proposing that the slicer thinks there is a curved surface that has an infinitely small gap between the two ends instead of a circle.
When you model things in CAD you can create things this way. Then when you process it you say " Treat points that are within a very small distance as the same point". This effectively joins the surface together.
Re: Help needed for a 3D printing issue
January 25, 2022 07:28AM
Try a different slicer.

Ultra MegaMax Dominator 3D printer: [drmrehorst.blogspot.com]
Re: Help needed for a 3D printing issue
April 07, 2022 05:03PM
Read about Z-Seam

Computer Programmer / Electronics Technician
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