Hi. New guy needing help with printer. I bought a anycubic chiron, and my gf said it was printing too loud. So I bought skr 1.4 turbo and tmc2209 drivers, took alot of wiring and I got it working and printing, but there seems to be some issues.
I printed calibration cube, and it started the first layers fine, then seems to stechs the layers for half the way, and then go fine rest of the cube. Heres a pic of it [
I then put dial indicator on the print head, and it seems that the movement is not constant all the time. Heres a video where I try to move print head up and down for 1mm [
I have no idea what is wrong with that, and I've run out of ideas what to do. Can anyone help with this?
Thanks already, and sorry to bother...
Edit: And I'm running marlin 2.0
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/30/2022 01:39PM by cokefactory.