Slic3r 0.9.7
November 23, 2012 02:15PM
Available for download: []
Re: Slic3r 0.9.7
November 24, 2012 06:00PM
Just installed the new version and wanted to take it for a spin. It seems all the top/bottoms on objects are not slicing. I tried some of the models I made (10mm cube), and ended with a Wade.stl from the prusa iteration v2. Everything slices without a top, bottom, or a center. The entire thing is hollow. I revert back to 0.9.2, and all is fine. Any ideas sound?

I'm using Repetier v0.80. I've tried creating the gcode by slic3r alone, and doing a cut/paste into repetier, and having repetier do it on it's own with the same results.

Re: Slic3r 0.9.7
December 04, 2012 09:26AM
Edit: Disregard post, after some comparison I can't see any reproducible difference anymore.

Have there been any changes in how circles are handled? Previous versions would interpolate a true circle from the stl, but 0.9.7 creates a polygon.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/04/2012 09:45AM by carbo.
Re: Slic3r 0.9.7
December 11, 2012 02:16AM
I am using slic3r 0.9.7(past I am using 0.7 slic3r- console).

c:\Slic3r>slic3r-console --load config.ini filename.stl
this command properly works in 0.7 but same command not working in 0.9.7

Plz Help me.
Re: Slic3r 0.9.7
December 13, 2012 10:41PM
What is the nature of the failure? I don't use the command line like this, but I do know the config file structure has changed.
Re: Slic3r 0.9.7
December 14, 2012 09:51AM
I have been printing for 3 weeks now, and today I noticed something strange.

The first layer extrusion width(in my case it's 200%) is not calculated over the layer height(0,25),
but over the first layer height(85%).

So I want to get a first layer extrusion width of 0,5mm, instead, I get 0,425mm
Is this correct?
Re: Slic3r 0.9.7
December 15, 2012 04:35PM

As far as I can tell all surface finish issues have been fixed in this release. Very nice work!
Re: Slic3r 0.9.7
December 15, 2012 06:43PM
So would you recommend that a beginner move from 0.7.2b to 0.9.7 Crispy?
Re: Slic3r 0.9.7
December 18, 2012 04:17PM

This version seems to be extruding too little on the first layer. I have my first layer the same thickness as the rest and I found that the extruded filament won't stick to the bed and come out at the right width unless I move my endstop closer to the bed so that my first layer is actually about half the thickness as it's supposed to be.

This version also starts the print with a retract. This is actually the wrong move to be making. It should actually start with a feed restart since the previous print should have ended with a retract if it finished properly.

My production version remains at 0.8.4.

Thanks for all your work.
Re: Slic3r 0.9.7
December 19, 2012 11:19AM
brnrd Wrote:
> My production version remains at 0.8.4.

Really! that's a very bad release, everything you print using 0.8.4 will be too big, gears will not mesh and holes are the wrong size - that's the worst version to be using.

Step back to 0.8.3 or 0.9.1 for a accurate version.

Re: Slic3r 0.9.7
December 19, 2012 11:33AM
I'll check. I think the ones I tried before had retract problems during infill that resulted in filement between gaps, and all the version 0.9.x that I've tried didn't do the the first layer correctly.
Re: Slic3r 0.9.7
December 24, 2012 06:40PM
I'm still trying 0.9.7, but with little success so far - besides "overfilling" small solid walls, it seems that there is no retraction whatsoever at the end of a "supporting material" extrusion? Leaves lots of strings on my parts when every piece of supporting material ends in a long-distance translation of the nozzle with no retraction.
Re: Slic3r 0.9.7
December 26, 2012 05:21PM
I have attempted slicing the Pi Command Center on thingiverse [] with horrible results with v0.9.7. Re-slicing it with v0.9.3 results in a much more acceptable gcode. Both versions create these additional travel that drips PLA extrusion on top of solid layers causing a messy print. I hope that can be fixed.

The Bread_Top.stl sliced with the latest version contains multiple bridge layers that should not be there. This may be a major bug in this version that needs an immediate resolution.
Re: Slic3r 0.9.7
December 31, 2012 07:59AM
@Ate, it's definitely correct that first layer extrusion width is calculated on first layer height.
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