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what is the point of having several extruders if....

Posted by rapdi 
what is the point of having several extruders if....
March 01, 2013 07:03PM
what is the point of having several extruders if we cannot modify filament and print settings to each extruder?

We do use different filaments on each extruder that require different settings.
Re: what is the point of having several extruders if....
March 02, 2013 03:02AM
The latest versions of slic3r do support what you ask for.

Using ABSPrusa Mendel Zaphod with Pronterface and slic3r 1.3.0. Printing well with 3mm PLA and ABS through 2 x J Head Mk IV b and Wade Geared Exruders. Controlled using RAMPS1.4 board running Marlin_v1.1.9
Re: what is the point of having several extruders if....
March 02, 2013 10:55AM
I have slic3r 0.9.8 and I cannot or do not know how assign a filament to an extruder. Or in other words, how to make extruder 1 at 260 degrees and extruder 2 at 220 degrees?
Re: what is the point of having several extruders if....
March 02, 2013 04:36PM
It's not obvious at first but read


I.e. You create multiple Filament profiles and specify which extruder uses which profile on the Plater page.

Using ABSPrusa Mendel Zaphod with Pronterface and slic3r 1.3.0. Printing well with 3mm PLA and ABS through 2 x J Head Mk IV b and Wade Geared Exruders. Controlled using RAMPS1.4 board running Marlin_v1.1.9
Re: what is the point of having several extruders if....
March 05, 2013 01:23PM
thanks, Ill check it out.
Re: what is the point of having several extruders if....
March 05, 2013 06:25PM
Second step: assign filaments and temperatures to extruders

Open the Plater tab. You'll notice two (or more) dropdown menus near Filament, in the center. You can assign filament presets to each extruder there.

I do try to change the dropdown menus, in the center, but nothing changes as I choose one of the presets saved.

I didn't get it, how to assign the filament preset to each extruder?
Re: what is the point of having several extruders if....
March 05, 2013 06:29PM
sorry, I got it now, you must have several filament settings.
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