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Problem building Slic3r from github under windows

Posted by MotoBarsteward 
Problem building Slic3r from github under windows
January 06, 2014 06:03PM
My build is failing. This is a brand new clone and build on this machine. It is failing during ExUtils-typemap. I've attached the log file. I could delve in to fix this but I suspect it's an environment issue rather than the code being broken. I'm using CitrusPerl and windows 8.1 32bit and think I've followed the instructions in the wiki winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/07/2014 02:28AM by MotoBarsteward.

Using ABSPrusa Mendel Zaphod with Pronterface and slic3r 1.3.0. Printing well with 3mm PLA and ABS through 2 x J Head Mk IV b and Wade Geared Exruders. Controlled using RAMPS1.4 board running Marlin_v1.1.9
open | download - build.log (17.9 KB)
Re: Problem building Slic3r from github under windows
January 07, 2014 09:11AM
I'll raise an issue in GitHub as the build instructions are not correct.

-> Issue #1681 raised.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/07/2014 06:26PM by MotoBarsteward.

Using ABSPrusa Mendel Zaphod with Pronterface and slic3r 1.3.0. Printing well with 3mm PLA and ABS through 2 x J Head Mk IV b and Wade Geared Exruders. Controlled using RAMPS1.4 board running Marlin_v1.1.9
Re: Problem building Slic3r from github under windows
February 17, 2014 04:39PM
I am having the same problem. I am also using CitrusPerl and following the directions on the wiki. I'm on a Windows 7 - 64bit system. Please, let me know if you have found a solution to your issue.
Re: Problem building Slic3r from github under windows
February 17, 2014 07:11PM
Please note that the recommended CitrusPerl version is 5.14, not 5.16. I got the "stable" branch to compile just fine last week on Win 8.1 x64 using 5.14, but I had to use the older of the two 5.14 packages found on the CitrusPerl download page, named citrusperl-standard-51402-20812-msw-x64-014.zip (NOT citrusperl-standard-51402-20903-msw-x64-014.zip).

Also, "cpanm --force Test::Harness" is required as mentioned in this issue: [github.com]

Also², OpenGL still didn't work in the GUI (so, no graphical preview) if the fix mentioned in the above issue is not applied (I didn't bother because I preview in Repetier Host instead).
Re: Problem building Slic3r from github under windows
February 21, 2014 01:47AM
Yes, I realised this and removed my perl installation, replacing it with 5.14. At the time, that made no difference. I have managed to get it build subsequently by manually applying someone else's fix. That fix is now pulled into Master and Stable branches so things should work 'out of the box' but ive not tried recently. But your quite correct, slic3r is only supported using perl 5.14.

Using ABSPrusa Mendel Zaphod with Pronterface and slic3r 1.3.0. Printing well with 3mm PLA and ABS through 2 x J Head Mk IV b and Wade Geared Exruders. Controlled using RAMPS1.4 board running Marlin_v1.1.9
Re: Problem building Slic3r from github under windows
May 11, 2016 04:56AM
I am having the same problem. Kindly give me the link to download citrus 5.14.
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