I have created a test object to try to understand what the settings in the Support tab actually do. The test has answered some questions but raised others.
Setting the "Overhang Threshold" to 0 so that Slic3r makes its own decisions regarding support seems to work pretty well with small holes that don't really need support, and pushes the envelop on overhang angles. The 30 degree angle on the object end was not given support. That's pretty daring!
Two questions (for now):
Support is placed outside the part footprint (ie: wider than the actual object). Why is this? How can it be adjusted so that the support stays the same as the outside perimeters? It would seem that this "protrusion" runs down past exterior faces to the bed and could possibly marr some exterior surfaces needlessly.
The second picture shows a closeup at a section through some of the holes. In most of the holes the support goes form one end of the hole to the other as expected. But the one in the middle has the support located near each end of the hole and none in the middle. This was the only supported hole where this occurred. What would explain such curious behaviour?