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Printer information out put

Posted by theidd 
Printer information out put
January 08, 2019 07:35AM
Repetier firmware information read on pc?
da vinci id information TO FOOL da vinci software to think that is the original firmware on the printer so that ONE can reinstall original firmware for shop repairs

Iike da vinci 1.1.1 firmware
printer Serial number
printer brand
printer model

Basically the information that the da vinci software looks at when you gooling to order parts for the order

You can load firmware from the HARD DRIVE , If the firmware from repetier can be saved as BIN.FILE it can make it a lot simpler to up load REPETIER firmware to the DA VINCI TYPE of PRINTERS And ONE CAN UPGRADE OR DOWNGRADE firmware AS one likes as they are using ARDUINO CHIPS on there BOARDS

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/08/2019 07:35AM by theidd.
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