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Firmware Ramps 1.4 with funduino.

Posted by 3DBOUYA 
Firmware Ramps 1.4 with funduino.
May 21, 2013 07:34AM
Hello everyone. 

I just finished assembling my RepRap. 
I started the calibration procedure. 

Two concerns: 
Run my card Arduino Mega 2560 WITH MY RAMPS 1.4 
Go to the Z axis once in contact with limit sensor. 

I use the software as repetier. I have followed the procedure for installing the firmware on my card arduino 2560 with the latest version of Arduino, the compilation is done correctly. [www.repetier.com] 
But I did not return information from the Arduino console. I did the same chose.sur an Arduino Mega 1280. Everything worked. 

My ramp mounted on 1.4 2560 does not respond to commands repetier, but worked fine with the 1280 card. 

I had to start the calibration following the instructions the following site: http:/reprap.org/wiki/calibration/fr. with 1280 catre; 

I Arivé stage calibration filling. 

Currently a bug in the Z axis it no longer goes once it is in contact with the end of the race. 

I found that the X and Y axes come off contactors once originally made. the Z axis remains adhered to the contactor. 

he agrees to back of the manual since repetier if I release the limit switch. 
To print the Z axis also goes back only if the contact end is clear. 

In summarize I continue my little calibration for my Z axis is fixed at the origin. It does not go back to it every matter accumulates on the first bed. 

I just reinstalled the firmware, sanctions success. 

I seek help if vore quelqun of you rem against this problem, thank you in advance.
Re: Firmware Ramps 1.4 with funduino.
May 24, 2013 11:54AM
Compilation upload problem - sorry but when the uploading does not work it is clear the firmware doe snot run. You could try pressing the reset button, when the upload led does not start to blink after avrdude is started. Sometimes it helps.

z-axis. Check
and see if the max endstop is enabled. You can move z only, if the opposite end stop is not present or high.

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