Z-Axis Problem
May 25, 2013 07:26PM
I am having unugual problem running latest rapetier firmware and software.
When I configured Step/mm and check move for all Axis to any dirrection it is no problem.
I have RAMPS 1.4 with Smart Display from RRD.
When I try to pring test Cube 20x20x10 it is printing with size 20x20x5.

I reloaded Sprinter and it is print just fine.
Could you please advise or point me to right dirrection.
I attached my Configuration.h file I am using in Repetier firmware

Thank you,
open | download - Configuration.h (48.4 KB)
Re: Z-Axis Problem
May 26, 2013 06:14AM
Just to be sure. If you say move 50mm up in the host, the extruder moves 50mm up?

If that is the case you are loosing steps between the layers. Make sure to use 0.83 from github. That version solved an issue you sometimes get when switching layer, also it is more the xy move that looses steps in that case.

Also try lower z speeds and accelerations. 25000 Hz is a large value for a stepper and it may loose some steps during acceleration.

The last thing - change these value sin eeprom. I saw you have activated it which invalidates the config anyway if you changed it later on.

Repetier-Software - the home of Repetier-Host (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) and Repetier-Firmware.
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Re: Z-Axis Problem
May 26, 2013 09:58AM
Hello and thank you quick reply.

I downloaded latest release from github 0.83 and uploaded to my printer.
an print tests with the same object, now with no chenges on acceleration setting,
20x20x10 printed as 20x20x8

Could you please tell me what exec parameter in firmware i have to chenge,

Thank you and wish you best
Re: Z-Axis Problem
May 26, 2013 12:14PM
STEP_DOUBLER_FREQUENCY should be good with ramps. Try z max speed and z acceleration first and then if everything works you can start increasing it works. My printer can't run 5mm/s on z and it has only 2560 steps/mm. 4872.289 steps/mm is also very high and odd. Are you sure about that number.

Repetier-Software - the home of Repetier-Host (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) and Repetier-Firmware.
Repetier-Server - the solution to control your printer from everywhere.
Visit us on Facebook and Twitter!
Re: Z-Axis Problem
May 26, 2013 01:01PM
Just changed
MAX_Trave........_Z to 50

After first test it is just fine, then finaly tuned Z step/mm to 3927.805
And it its just fine :-)
I love your sofwate and firmware, working great with Smart Display and print from SD.

Best regards and thank you for your help.
Will contribute ASAP.
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