Hi !
I'm running our favourite host on the 14.04 LTS last ubuntu distro. I'm encountering some trouble here :
! Failed to download [www.cpan.org]
! Failed to fetch distribution ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.18_04
--> Working on ./xs
Configuring /home/jpabraham/RepetierHost/Slic3r/xs ... OK
Building and testing Slic3r-XS-0.01 ... FAIL
! Installing ./xs failed. See /home/jpabraham/.cpanm/work/1400058539.5627/build.log for details. Retry with --force to force install it.
The XS/C++ code failed to compile, aborting
App::cpanminus is up to date. (1.7004)
OpenGL is up to date. (0.6703)
Wx is up to date. (0.9923)
Wx::GLCanvas is up to date. (0.09)
I controled here : [
www.cpan.org] and XS v3.18 seems to be out dated.
I openned the configureFirst.sh script, but the XS installation is in somewhere else... I think in "installDependenciesDebian"
I openned the "installDependenciesDebian. To locate wich line fail, I'm searching wich last line seems to work... ... ah ! "sudo perl Build.PL"
Go into /Slic3r
open Build.PL
ctrl+f : 3.18 to local the outdated download link
line 127
system $cpanm, 'SMUELLER/ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.18_04.tar.gz';
system $cpanm, 'SMUELLER/ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.24.tar.gz';
Save the PERL script
re execute sh configFirst.sh
Tadaaa ! Working like a charm.
My repetier is now fonctionnal