Repetier V1.0.0 Object grouping
August 02, 2014 04:54PM
In olden days with Repetier you dropped say 4 objects and they were grouped. You moved them around the plate using the truck/cross as a group. If you needed to move one object you could right click it to select and move just that object. Now they are dropped as separate object groups and by default are moved separately. You can move as a group if you right click all of the parts which then lets you move all of the clicked parts as a group.

Question: When doing the add (+) is there a way to get the added parts dropped in a single object group? I can see where groups could be very useful but only if you can control what parts go with what group.

Also would be nice if you could say drop X number of a parts. There is a combo box with a number but I can't figure out how it is supposed to work. New version may allow all of this... just have not been able to intuit how it works.

Thanks, Roger
Re: Repetier V1.0.0 Object grouping
August 03, 2014 03:42PM
Repetier also seems to want to print one object group at a time.... I'm sure I'm just missing something but for now am reverting to older version. sad smiley

Re: Repetier V1.0.0 Object grouping
August 04, 2014 03:52AM
Object groups are for multi-extruder prints to group the stls so they are positioned as intendet.

You can copy a selected object x times with the copy button.

Sequential printing is not supported, so I wonder how you did it? With what slicer do we now get sequential prints?

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Re: Repetier V1.0.0 Object grouping
August 04, 2014 10:43AM
Ah... grouping and multi extruder that makes sense. As for sequential printing I had 4 groups defined and when I started to print only one printed, immediately stopped print. Only guessed how next group would print.

The grouping has cost a lot of functionality. In old days I could drop two or more items and they would auto arrange. Without this ability I will have to build my plates elsewhere (in CAD or netfabb). This is an additional step that will cost a lot of time. I often print up to a dozen parts at a time.

Is there a way to get the old behavior within a group? Or an option to disable groups. I doubt many have multi extruder machines.

A different approach would have been to build a plate with old functionality and then been able to duplicate that plate across multiple extruders.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/04/2014 10:46AM by Miamicraft.
Re: Repetier V1.0.0 Object grouping
August 04, 2014 10:53AM
Ok, if you abort for the first layer you can not know that it would have continued with the second group in the same layer. It's only the slicer beeing smarter and doing infill as well before going to the next group for first layer.

The auto positioning is still there and you can still load several stl files at once and they get autopositioned. That has not changed. The old behaviour is the same as one group for each object which is the default anyway when you load objects.

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