I have a super generic Reprap Prusa I3, with Mega and Ramps 1.4.
I have been using Repetier Host and firmware 0.83 for a while with no issues.
Then I bought a "Reprap Discount Full Graphic Smart Controller" to allow printing detached from my computer.
The latest repetier firmware says it works with that lcd screen, so I tried.
It all works, except I noticed the extruder cannot be manually moved using host, though the lcd controller can move it using the dial.
I tried a test print and the extruder does not move.
So I then tried many things.
I put old firmware (0.83) back on and the extruder works.
I unplugged the lcd board and configured firmware to not use it. Same problem, no manual extrusion
So it seems to be a general config problem. Not the host.
I even replicated on another host software so I know it the 0.91 firmware (and its config).
I then carefully compared my configuration.h from old and new firmware, as well as pins.h.
I will mention that I put my x axis motor on extruder2 slot on ramps, and modified pins.h to accommodate, but I have had no issues with that.
Having gone through the config at least 10 times, and trying many things, I cannot get the extruder (only one), to be recognized.
The extruder heater works fine.
How in the world could the LCD be able to run the extruder motor, and not the host?
I am about ready to give up repetier firmware.