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slic3r custom gcode - turn on fan as FIRST action?

Posted by rtrahms 
slic3r custom gcode - turn on fan as FIRST action?
June 12, 2015 10:03AM
Hi all -
I am using Repetier/slic3r, and have an E3D hotend with fan that I am controlling.
I want to turn on the E3D fan right away *before* the hotend is enabled.

There is a section for custom gcode for start and end, but the custom start gcode is executed *after* the hotend and bed have reached target temps.
I have been manually editing the gcode after the slicing to provide the right order, but I would prefer to have this done automatically during the slicing.

Any hints on how I can make the fan turn on before the hotend is turned on? If there isn't a way for this, I will have to wire the fan directly to 12v.
Re: slic3r custom gcode - turn on fan as FIRST action?
June 13, 2015 03:24AM
Slic3r should'nt take control of the hotend cooling fan. This function is made for the cooler which cools down the molten plastic.

Any hints on how I can make the fan turn on before the hotend is turned on? If there isn't a way for this, I will have to wire the fan directly to 12v.

Repetier Firmware can take control of the hotend cooler: you have to swap the settings from "fan Pin" and "Extruder Cooler Pin". Now, everytime the hotend is hot, Repetier will turn on the fan.


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