Hi every one ,
i am facing new problem like Invalid extrusion width (too large)? . when ever i click slic3r comes like this. Any one have solution please help me. My mail id is vikky.vikky4u@gmail.com.
it is very helpful to me.
If you found a solution please let me know. I just started getting that notice. I'm using latest stable release of slicer 1.2.9 using repetier.
the object I was slicing was well within the print bed limits.
go to print settings in slic configure and try with default width 0 for auto first layer 100 % and all the rest zero for auto this has nothing to do with bed size this is in advanced settings if one of those setting is too high it gives an error.
Check that you've configured a valid nozzle diameter for your nozzle and also try to set a fixed extrusion width in case "auto" produces an error. Extrusion width should be somewhere between your nozzle diameter and its double diameter.
The configured diameter of your nozzle is irrelevant for the print. But it is used for some validity checks and "auto" setting, so it should be around the real value.