M109 (set temp and wait) in G-Code but not in config
February 02, 2019 05:15PM
I've been using Repetier Host and Slic3r for perhaps 5 years. For one set of configurations, the printer waits at the start of a print for the extruder temperature to be reached. This is no big deal except that I cannot find the M109 anywhere in the Slic3r configuration settings. It is not in Printer Settings, Custom G-Code, nor in Filament Settings, Custom G-Code. Is there somewhere else that I should be looking? I am using Repetier Host 2.1.3. Note that Slic3r PE was installed on this computer, also, and I have regretted mixing Slic3r PE and the Repetier Host Slic3r for quite a while. Perhaps the two Slic3rs are fighting each other.
Re: M109 (set temp and wait) in G-Code but not in config
February 03, 2019 02:39AM
Take a look at slicer printer settings|Custom G-Code
Start G-code
M104 S[first_layer_temperature] ; set extruder temp
M140 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; set bed temp
M190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; wait for bed temp
M109 S[first_layer_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp

Slic3r and Slic3rPE should not interfere with each other... they store their configuration files is separate directories.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/2019 02:53AM by Dust.
Re: M109 (set temp and wait) in G-Code but not in config
February 03, 2019 09:29AM
As I stated originally, there is no hint of what I find in the G-Code. Please see attached screen shots.
open | download - 20190203_091751a.jpg (304.3 KB)
open | download - 20190203_091803a.jpg (963.6 KB)
open | download - 20190203_091820a.jpg (945.4 KB)
Re: M109 (set temp and wait) in G-Code but not in config
February 04, 2019 08:33AM
If the slic3r 'start' gcode (1st image above)does not contain any entries for M104,M140,M109,M190 then slic3r (or cura) will add them to the start of your slice'd g-code automatically.
Re: M109 (set temp and wait) in G-Code but not in config
February 04, 2019 08:37AM
If the slic3r 'start' gcode (1st image above)does not contain any entries for M104,M140,M109,M190 then slic3r (or cura) will add them to the start of your slice'd g-code automatically.

This is very helpful information, although this "feature" is a bit annoying.

Thank you
Re: M109 (set temp and wait) in G-Code but not in config
May 23, 2020 03:35PM
the only setting is the temperature. Every time you slice a model, the first thing slic3r must do is bring the temp up before starting the print. Therefore, it places an M109 command in the gcode at the start.
I don't understand what is annoying about bringing the temp up b4 you print. You could manually turn the heaters on and wait til the bell rang, then start the print. The M109 command then would be moot and would pass instantly.
Re: M109 (set temp and wait) in G-Code but not in config
May 24, 2020 10:47AM
The annoyance is the hidden behavior.

If I fail to put something in the start gcode, then Slic3r will put something in there for me without explanation. Perhaps had there been a comment like "because the original gcode lacked M104 etc we have inserted the following 4 lines for you; if you wish to avoid this in the future, provide your own M104 etc" I would neither have been annoyed nor had to flail around trying to figure out what was going on. The intent is good; the execution could be improved.
Re: M109 (set temp and wait) in G-Code but not in config
May 24, 2020 10:59AM
I don't understand why you would want to put your own heater start code in instead of letting Slic3r do it. You have to put that info into Slic3r configuration anyway.
The reason I turn my heaters on manually is to allow me to do other things with the printer since once the print is started external commands are disabled. Another reason is the bed is a lot slower than the hotend, so the hotend would be sitting at temp waiting for the bed.

I just never had a problem with it I guess.
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