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Posted by JimT 
May 23, 2012 11:30AM
Who is interested in a RepRap Users Group in the Monterey Bay area? Please introduce yourself here. smiling smiley

My name is Jim. I live in northern Monterey county, near Watsonville. I'm a software engineer with way too many years of experience. I'm still researching different designs, but will probably build a Prusa variant.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/23/2012 06:14PM by JimT.
Re: Introductions
May 23, 2012 08:17PM
I am. I am in the Monterey Bay area.
Re: Introductions
May 24, 2012 12:20AM
This might be interesting. I am in Carmel Valley and was on the Reprap Core Team from 2005-2011. I have two printers in operation; a Rapman 3.1 and an UP!.


Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something.

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

Thomas A. Edison
Re: Introductions
May 24, 2012 12:42PM
Lukea Wrote:
> I am. I am in the Monterey Bay area.

Hi! I'm glad you're interested! Where are you located? What are your interests with regard to 3D printing?
Re: Introductions
May 24, 2012 12:47PM
Forrest Higgs Wrote:
> This might be interesting. I am in Carmel Valley
> and was on the Reprap Core Team from 2005-2011. I
> have two printers in operation; a Rapman 3.1 and
> an UP!.

Glad you're here! I'd love to see your printers in operation some time.
Re: Introductions
May 24, 2012 04:37PM
Hi All:

I am a Reprap user that has been lurking around the boards for a few years. My name is John Andberg, and I live by UCSC. I built a Techzone kit, and then in frustration designed and built my own Mendel. It is listed under "Simplified Ball Bearing Mendel" in the wiki.

I am currently upgrading electronics from gen 3 to something more modern, and duplicating printers. A recent project I have yet to to post is a 35K RPM drill press for PCBs. Next up I start on a travel size design Mendel and something along a Mendel 90 machine. Keeps me off the streets....

It would be great to start a local group. Count me in.

Re: Introductions
May 25, 2012 11:50PM
Hi All:

I live in Bonny Doon, I'm currently building a CNC router to do PCBs based on parts salvaged from an HP scanner and various printers plus parts I design and make myself for the project. I have spent a lot of time reading and studying about different RepRap designs and have decided to try and build a modified aluminum frame Mendel after I finish my router. I would be very interested in meeting up with other RepRap enthusiast !

I agree that it would be great to start a local groupe, count me in also !
Re: Introductions
May 27, 2012 12:55PM
We have five people interested so far, two at the north end of the bay, one at the south, one in the middle, and one in an unknown location. Where and when would you like to meet? I'm probably the most centrally located, and you are welcome to come to my place.
Re: Introductions
May 27, 2012 11:55PM
Tell me where and when and I can probably be there !

Re: Introductions
June 09, 2012 01:35PM
Greetings from PG (work in Santa Cruz)
Bought a Printrbot at the Maker Faire that I have given up on due to bad/missing/wrong parts and no customer service. Looking to build/buy a Mendel. My main interest is in prototyping a number of projects as well as building replacement parts for my day job. I'd be interested in a Rug.

Re: Introductions
June 16, 2012 03:59PM
So how about a first meet and greet at Denny's in Marina wed 7pm?
Re: Introductions
September 02, 2012 03:01PM
I am interested in the REPRAP as a tool and the design. Very cool! I would think a multi head unit could build entire designed devices. Add pick and place with solder and copper circuit placement.
Re: Introductions
July 13, 2013 03:50AM
Hi, are you guys still congregating? Interested in building a Mendel. It'd be cool to see what people are doing with their printers and get some pointers in getting started.
Re: Introductions
July 15, 2013 11:26PM
I've not recieved a reply from this group in about a year. I'd still be interested in getting the group going if we can get a few folks togeather. I'm still down in Pacific Grove, but I work out of Santa Cruz.
Re: Introductions
January 30, 2014 03:09PM
I'm here and ready for printing my good sir!!! I've been looking everywhere for a hack space because I do not have my own desktop 3-D printer yet and I'm really interested in the technology...
I like to fly remote control drones and they require a lot of plastic parts and a lot of the time they're pretty expensive.
I have a bunch of great ideas, not just drone stuff.
I'm really into animals and I have a fantastic idea for a dog harness that will require a couple of plastic parts.
I am hoping to get my own machine but I would love to meet up with some folks that already do this.
Email me, I'm Bryan smiling smiley
Re: Introductions
January 31, 2017 10:25AM
Looks like I'm a little late to the party! In case there's anyone still here, I'm a semi-retired electrical engineer in Pacific Grove. My first/current printer was a Marlin-based DeltaMaker, but I'm currently building a Voron CoreXY that I plan to use with the Duet WiFi I've had sitting around for the last few months...

I'd say on the 3D printing skill scale I'm on the intermediate side - thought I had it all figured out for most of last year then couldn't get a decent print for the last few months after changing my extruded to an E3D Lite6. Ah, hubris! All good now.

Re: Introductions
July 19, 2019 06:47PM
I am a mechanical engineer. i am interested in 3d printing and cnc machining. With these small machine, I can realize many ideas.
About how to bring an idea to life

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