Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 05, 2012 02:42PM
This week's competition is a propeller blade, as a test of thin features and support structure smiling smiley

The files can be found here with different orientations.

The parts will be judged functionality.
Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 06, 2012 10:14PM
That certainly is challenging. The blade is extremely thin in a few places. I have decided to try the cut it in half method and Im using the version of Slic3r that has comb. Given the extremely thin walls, I have told Slicer my nozzle size if 0.16mm and im using a layer height of 0.075. You can see how fine it makes the filaments in this picture (compared to a fingerprint) and that is on the bottom of the part where im using 200% first layer thickness.

I stuck the 2 halves together by spoilling a bit of acetone on my print bed and dabbing one of the parts in it. This stuck the part to the bed almost instantly! But when I wrenched the part off the bed it stuck quite readily to the other half.

I have an M4 bolt in the hole in the middle and im about to get the safety goggles and give it a go in my power drill.

Given how thin some parts of this thing are, I'm not sure how well the support material approach will work. I'm keen to see if anyone has success doing it that way.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/07/2012 01:43AM by Greg Frost.
Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 07, 2012 05:17AM
I gave it a go using "Support" set to rough in KISSlicer, just to see how it might come out. I've never printed anything with supports before and it was an interesting experiment, even if the result was a bit patchy. I'm happy to share the experiment even thought it's not really a competitive contender. It does show it can be printed with supports and could be improved on with some tuning of the settings.

Removing the supports was a time consuming and tedious process, but the main object did remain quite intact to my surprise considering the amount of force it took to remove the other shell.

Here it is from a slightly different angle.

Finally, here's it is before removing from it's support shell.

Print speed was 15mm/sec on everything, so it too about 2 hours to print. Width .45, layer .3, I'm using a ".5mm" j-head, feeding 3mm filament, on a Prusa RepRap, running Gen6 electronics.

It's not a serious entry but does show it can be printed with support. It's a challenging print. I've a lot more to learn about printing with supports. smiling smiley
Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 07, 2012 10:46PM
Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 09, 2012 05:02PM
Mmm. Having first go at printing it. Never used support before. Trying with 0.8.5dev new flow. Trying flat first. Not sure what is going to happen as I can see that it's trying to print in free air.

I'm going to leave it over night and see what mess I find in the morning.

Using ABSPrusa Mendel Zaphod with Pronterface and slic3r 1.3.0. Printing well with 3mm PLA and ABS through 2 x J Head Mk IV b and Wade Geared Exruders. Controlled using RAMPS1.4 board running Marlin_v1.1.9
Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 09, 2012 05:07PM
Nope, abandoning now. I know it's meant to be a propeller but it can't be printed in free air which is what Slic3r is trying to do!

MotoBarsteward Wrote:
> Mmm. Having first go at printing it. Never used
> support before. Trying with 0.8.5dev new flow.
> Trying flat first. Not sure what is going to
> happen as I can see that it's trying to print in
> free air.
> I'm going to leave it over night and see what mess
> I find in the morning.

Using ABSPrusa Mendel Zaphod with Pronterface and slic3r 1.3.0. Printing well with 3mm PLA and ABS through 2 x J Head Mk IV b and Wade Geared Exruders. Controlled using RAMPS1.4 board running Marlin_v1.1.9
Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 10, 2012 11:31PM
My own attempts turned out pretty well. The thin edges certainly caused some issues though.
open | download - Prop Blade 2.jpg (123 KB)
open | download - Prop Blade.jpg (94.1 KB)
Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 11, 2012 03:46AM
Hi Andrew,
That came out nice and clean. How easily did it separate from the supports? What did you use to slice it and what were your main settings?
What material was it printed in?
On a side note, have you coated your glass top to aid adhesion? It looks like something was brushed on to the glass and dried off. Hows that working out and what did you use?

Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 11, 2012 10:25AM
Greg Frost wins this week. Congratulations! I admit i would have liked to see more entries with the support, but such is life :p

The one I printed was using KISSlicer PRO, using 1.75mm Nuclear Green ABS.

I use 36in of 1.75mm filament dissolved in 2oz of Acetone to make a slurry, spread a thin coat on the bed while cold. Works wonderfully.

96% of the support came off really easily, the last bit took a bit of effort only because I was worried about damaging the fragile blade edges.


.125mm layers
.4mm extrusion width
2 loops
100% solid
stacking = 2 (equivalent to 2 layer thicknesses for support, makes print faster)
Main Support flow rate set to .75 (the interface flow rate was effectively ~.56 since it is automatically set to .75 the Main support flow rate.
Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 11, 2012 11:37AM
Congratulations Greg! You'll have to print a quad-copter next! smiling smiley

Andrew, tks for the additional info.

The participation was low, but there was a significant number of thingiverse downloads of the STL. It maybe just holiday season, or the perceived difficulty of the challenge.

Some prize sponsorship by some of the vendors might bring more people in also. The vendor would get advertising out of it.

I'd suggest a pointer thread in the General section of the forum might lead more readers to the competition also. Just some suggestions.

Andrew Diehl Wrote:

> I use 36in of 1.75mm filament dissolved in 2oz of
> Acetone to make a slurry, spread a thin coat on
> the bed while cold. Works wonderfully.


Hi Andrew.

Would this technique work with PLA?

You extrusion width over layer height is pretty you think this makes nice prints for a specific reason?

Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 11, 2012 02:22PM
Congratulations Greg.

Greg, which version of slic3r were you using? I'm using 0.8.5dev but on the New_flow branch. I think it was missing out some of the support structure in the first couple of layers and then ended up trying to print the blade in free air so I abandoned the print rather than risking messing up my print head. I stopped using 0.8.4 because none of the parts would fit together.

I did post a thread on the slic3r forum about my experience with 0.8.5dev and support structure but everyone's rush to comment was notable by its absence!

Using ABSPrusa Mendel Zaphod with Pronterface and slic3r 1.3.0. Printing well with 3mm PLA and ABS through 2 x J Head Mk IV b and Wade Geared Exruders. Controlled using RAMPS1.4 board running Marlin_v1.1.9
Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 11, 2012 02:33PM
Lots of experimentation has taught me not to mess with the .4mm extrusion width under most circumstances. I use it from .3-.1mm layer heights with great success.

Julio Wrote:
> Andrew Diehl Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I use 36in of 1.75mm filament dissolved in 2oz
> of
> > Acetone to make a slurry, spread a thin coat on
> > the bed while cold. Works wonderfully.
> >
> _______________
> Hi Andrew.
> Would this technique work with PLA?
> You extrusion width over layer height is pretty
> you think this makes nice prints for a
> specific reason?
> Thanks
Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 12, 2012 02:30AM
Julio Wrote:
> Andrew Diehl Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I use 36in of 1.75mm filament dissolved in 2oz
> of
> > Acetone to make a slurry, spread a thin coat on
> > the bed while cold. Works wonderfully.
> >
> _______________
> Hi Andrew.
> Would this technique work with PLA?

It won't work with PLA, partially because PLA doesn't dissolve in acetone. What you can do though is create a diluted mixture of PVA glue - commonly called Elmer's or white glue - and brush that on the bed. Something like a 1:4 ratio of glue to water.

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Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 12, 2012 01:09PM
Also, PLA sticks perfectly fine to A clean glass bed. Also seems to stick pretty well to the slurry.
Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 12, 2012 07:24PM
Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 13, 2012 01:32PM
I hold my bed at 45 Degrees whilst using 25% PVA solution on my glass bed when printing with PLA. I do this for consistency as, during the course of the year in my garage 'cold' could have a 20 degree variation. I could go cooler but the first thing I tried so I stuck with it.

billyzelsnack Wrote:
> Cold?

Using ABSPrusa Mendel Zaphod with Pronterface and slic3r 1.3.0. Printing well with 3mm PLA and ABS through 2 x J Head Mk IV b and Wade Geared Exruders. Controlled using RAMPS1.4 board running Marlin_v1.1.9
Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 13, 2012 02:17PM
I use 75C for PLA. Hotter than most it seems.
Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 13, 2012 07:52PM
MotoBarsteward Wrote:
> Congratulations Greg.
> Greg, which version of slic3r were you using?

git avoid-crossing-perimeters-graph branch.
Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 22, 2012 04:56AM
It was the latest competition, will we have another objet to try to print soon ? smiling smiley
Re: Propeller Blade, Week of July 4 - July 11, 2012
July 25, 2012 08:42AM
Someone ping Greg, maybe he didn't realized it was his turn to set the next one up.

Most of my technical comments should be correct, but is THIS one ?
Anyway, as a rule of thumb, always double check what people write.
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