Shifted layers for unknown reason
April 09, 2014 08:15AM
Hi guys,

I'm still running some tests to get to know my printer better and adjust settings.

The first "big print" I tried, was this statue (0.2 mm layers, PLA)

I realized the nozzle was a little bit to high, so I recalibrated the Z axis and checked the rest one more time. I think the calibration is now ok.

I have tried a new print (SD card holder) with 0.1 mm layers. I'm pretty happy with the result, except for what happened in the middle ! I have something like 20-30 layers which are not aligned with the rest of the print. The shift seems to occur at the same Z-coordinate where the SD cards slots starts. I don't know if there is any connection.

Would you have any insight explaining that weird result ?

Thx for reading smiling smiley
Re: Shifted layers for unknown reason
May 23, 2014 04:24AM
Layer can sometimes shift when a stepper driver gets too hot and pauses to let itself cool down while the software still thinks the motor is still moving. But when that happens it usually doesn't correct itself like in the second picture. Check simple things first (loose belts).

Have you got it sorted yet?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/23/2014 04:25AM by TheTechnicalNoob.
Re: Shifted layers for unknown reason
May 23, 2014 07:54AM
Hi TheTechnicalNoob,

Yes, it is OK now. On the X axis, the pulley wasn't tight enough on the motor axis. I tightened the screw and it solves the problem.

Thx smiling smiley
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