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using a GT2 belt -how to adapt Firmware ?

Posted by manfred59 
using a GT2 belt -how to adapt Firmware ?
January 02, 2015 02:11PM
I am building an Lasercut Mendel with E3Dv6 hotend and the frame from Think3dPrint3d. I did print all .stl with my 2013 Mendel. Most parts I bought from various sellers, also the GT2 pulley(16 tooth) and a Gt2 belt. Please where (in the config_h ??) I have to modify the values. I have downloaded the Marlin version Form github of T3P3, for Ramps 1.4 with arduino mega.
Re: using a GT2 belt -how to adapt Firmware ?
January 04, 2015 06:21AM
Yes go to configuration.h and set the firmware.
Here is a calibration guide.

It should work now.

Everything of 3D printer. www.3dminions.com
Re: using a GT2 belt -how to adapt Firmware ?
January 07, 2015 07:26AM
Thank you for the link!
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