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Mendel 90 Z-Axis speed

Posted by Mendel90 FAN 
Mendel 90 Z-Axis speed
February 03, 2015 04:14AM
I have a question regarding the Z-axis speed.
The X and Y axis moves much faster when I start printing in comparison with the Z-axis.
It takes about 1-2 minutes to move from the home position to the bed.
Can I increase the Z-axis speed without missing steps?
Thank you in advance
Re: Mendel 90 Z-Axis speed
February 03, 2015 05:01AM

The default Z-travel speed of 4mm/s should move the Z-axis through 200mm in 50 seconds which is closer to one minute than two.

The X-axis assembly is quite heavy and not suited to fast vertical travel. The consequences of hitting the heated bed or upper brackets at higher speed might be more severe.

You can make good use of the downward travel time after homing to heat the bed and extruder so there really is no gain in having a faster speed.

Neil Darlow

I try to write with consideration for all nationalities. Please let me know if something is unclear.
Printing with Mendel90 from fedora 25 using Cura, FreeCAD, MeshLab, OpenSCAD, Skeinforge and Slic3r tools.
Re: Mendel 90 Z-Axis speed
February 03, 2015 06:09AM
That makes sense to me, thank you!
During experiments (printing a cube 10x10x10mm within 0,01mm) and starting these short prints over and over again I got a bit impatient.
Re: Mendel 90 Z-Axis speed
February 03, 2015 06:46AM
One turn of the X motor moves 40mm, one turn of the Z screw is 1mm, so it is naturally about 40 times slower. It will start missing steps if you speed it up.

Since the bed is warming while descending and cooling while ascending (if you use the start and end gcode provided) there is no time lost at all for a complete build.

Re: Mendel 90 Z-Axis speed
February 03, 2015 07:17AM
Totally clear.

I adopted my Mendel90 broken and spend a lot of time recovering the electronics and searching and configuring the right software (sli3er and pronterface) and dealing with disconnetions (solved it with your tips/tricks)

Unfortunately I a don't have the orignial start and end gcode so I wrote it myself (not that good I quess) Where can I get the original provided gcode?

Is it really necessary to home after each print?
Re: Mendel 90 Z-Axis speed
February 03, 2015 07:47AM

The settings can be found in nophead's GitHub repository.

Homing after a print is a safety feature to get the hotend out of the print area for easy access during removal of the print.

If the machine is powered-off a homing operation is required before printing anyhow. The post-printing move is not really a homing operation it is simply a move.

If you have repeatable and known finishing conditions you can adapt the finishing move to whatever you wish. nophead has to consider all situations and provides a general solution.

Neil Darlow

I try to write with consideration for all nationalities. Please let me know if something is unclear.
Printing with Mendel90 from fedora 25 using Cura, FreeCAD, MeshLab, OpenSCAD, Skeinforge and Slic3r tools.
Re: Mendel 90 Z-Axis speed
February 03, 2015 02:17PM
Thank you both again.
I will do my homework winking smiley
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