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Posted by DerTieja 
March 12, 2015 04:04AM
I have the problem that my mendel90 can print a gcode file without problems if I use pronterface.

But if i start printing the same gcode with send.py in the cmd the printing quality is really worse so I can’t use it. confused smiley
Re: Send.py
March 12, 2015 08:08AM
Why do you need to use send.py?

I think there is a command line version of Pronterface called Pronsole which might do what you require and should work as well as pronterface.

Re: Send.py
March 24, 2015 07:36AM
both times i use the same gcode....
On the first picture you can see a cube i printed with Pronterface and on the second one i use the send.py method of skeinforge.

I will use send.py to implement the whole 3D-functions to another program were i implemented a 3D-Printing button....
open | download - IMG_5696_2.jpg (529.2 KB)
Re: Send.py
March 24, 2015 09:57AM
Well send.py was written in 2008, long before Marlin firmware existed, so it isn't too surprising it doesn't work.

Have you tried setting the verbose option to debug it?

Re: Send.py
March 24, 2015 10:40AM
Thank you for this suggestion smiling smiley

I found this site [reprap.org] but i don't know what i have to do...

I'm not a good at program something ;-p

or did you know some oater good tools i can use?

My only request is that I don’t have to use a UI…
Re: Send.py
March 24, 2015 12:59PM
I tried to use the Pronsole as well but i don’t got an automatic transmission of the load and send orders…

At the moment I must start the Pronsole and enter-> Connect COM10-> Load file.g -> send for every printing ./

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/24/2015 01:11PM by DerTieja.
Re: Send.py
March 24, 2015 03:19PM
Why are you doing it that way in the first place? The better way is to copy the gcode file onto the sd card and then start the print with pronterface. For a more convenient way you could also look into octoprint for example
Re: Send.py
March 25, 2015 06:13AM
Why are you doing it that way in the first place? The better way is to copy the gcode file onto the sd card and then start the print with pronterface.

I have a CAD Program. In this program i create PRT-Files. Now i implement a button with a marco which export my PRT-File to a STL-File. After that the macro starts skeinforge (over the console) to slice the STL to a gcode. The last step is to send the gcode to the printer. For this last step i tried to use the send.py method.

If the Pludin is ready i only want to click on one button to generate an 3D printed Object.
That is the reason i dont want to copy the gcode file onto the sd card and use the pronterface ui. ;-)

For a more convenient way you could also look into octoprint for example

hmmm...I will try it out. :-)
Re: Send.py
April 02, 2015 03:28AM
If i establish a connection via pronterface i get the massage "Last Updated: Mar 10 2015 15:51:44 | Author: nophead"'
so you are the programmer of these software ore updated it?

Is it possible to get the source code to upload a file to Arduino and the code to the start printing?
Maybe you can give me a hint will it be possible to create a “own” Pronsole which use default commands (like connect COM10 ; Upload my_gcode ; Print my_gcode) if it will lunched?

I hope you understand the meaning of my request grinning smileywinking smiley
Re: Send.py
April 02, 2015 05:51AM
I configured Marlin to work on Mendel90, that's all.

I have never used pronsole or looked at the source code. It may be able to do what you want from the command line. If not its source code will have everything needed to do those functions and only need some command line option added.

Re: Send.py
April 09, 2015 04:44AM
Now I tried it to create a macro but that won’t work as well... i got confused about the Pronsole confused smiley

←[01moffline>←[00m macro help
[ERROR] Name 'help' is being used by built-in command
←[01moffline>←[00m help macro
Define single-line macro: macro
Define multi-line macro: macro
Enter macro definition in indented lines. Use {0} .. {N} to substitute macro arg
Enter python code, prefixed with ! Use arg[0] .. arg[N] to substitute macro arg
Delete macro: macro /d
Show macro definition: macro /s
'macro' without arguments displays list of defined macros

←[01moffline>←[00m macro Mendel90 /s
Macro 'Mendel90' defined as: '{connect COM10}{load C:\Siemens\NX85\UGII\NX_3D-Pr

←[01moffline>←[00m Mendel90
[ERROR] Caught an exception, exiting:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\TMueller\Downloads\Printrun-master\pronsole.py", line 28, in
File "C:\Users\TMueller\Downloads\Printrun-master\printrun\pronsole.py", line
235, in cmdloop
stop = self.onecmd(line)
File "C:\Python27\Lib\cmd.py", line 221, in onecmd
return func(arg)
File "C:\Users\TMueller\Downloads\Printrun-master\printrun\pronsole.py", line
424, in
setattr(self.__class__, "do_" + self.cur_macro_name, lambda self, largs, mac
ro = macro: macro(self, *largs.split()))
File "", line 2, in macro
KeyError: 'connect COM10'

If i use connect COM10 -> load xxx-> print normally everything works fine
Re: Send.py
April 15, 2015 10:37AM
I have found a good alternative.

Now I open the Pronsole with some additional commands:

;@python pronsole.py -e "help" -e "connect %comX% %baudrate%" -e "block_until_online" -e "load export.gcode" -e print

That works perfect smiling smiley
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