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Nema17 Motor step question

Posted by scubi 
Nema17 Motor step question
March 18, 2015 07:11AM
I am in the process of buying my Parts for the Mendel90. I am not sure which Nema17 to buy, there are three types 1.8deg/step , 0.9 Deg/Step or 1.8 Deg / Step.
Also its 48mm and not 47mm as per the Build list.
Please can you tell me which Motor would work and does it make difference between the 48mm or 47mm.

Re: Nema17 Motor step question
March 18, 2015 09:31AM
Standard motors are 200 steps per rotation so that would be 1.8 degrees per step.

The case size can vary by as much as the 1mm difference you noticed. Unless there is a vast difference in torque between the two lengths (which I cannot see being te case) you shoud be fine with either.

I try to write with consideration for all nationalities. Please let me know if something is unclear.
Printing with Mendel90 from fedora 25 using Cura, FreeCAD, MeshLab, OpenSCAD, Skeinforge and Slic3r tools.
Re: Nema17 Motor step question
March 18, 2015 10:32AM
Stepper motor lengths have a wide tolerance because they are made from stacked laminations. The design caters for 47+/-1mm. If the "48mm" ones are also +/-1mm they might be too big for the X motor bracket.

Re: Nema17 Motor step question
March 19, 2015 03:33AM
Hi Guys

Thanks for the replies , much appreciated.Will buy the Nema 17 1.8 Degree.
Re: Nema17 Motor step question
April 03, 2015 07:46AM
Just wanted to ask a quick question about stepper sizes, without adding a new topic altogether...

I have plenty of NEMA 17 steppers but they are all 40mm steppers, can I just add spacers to make this the right length?
Re: Nema17 Motor step question
April 03, 2015 10:06AM
You can probably just add more washers for the X motor. The others probably fit. You might need to jack up the Z motors if your lead screws don't reach the top.

Shorter motors have less torque though.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/03/2015 10:07AM by nophead.

Re: Nema17 Motor step question
April 03, 2015 11:20AM
So, then I'm guessing this:

42BYGHY609 3400 g.cm

won't be powerful enough?
Re: Nema17 Motor step question
April 03, 2015 11:31AM
I don't know as I have only ever used 4300 g.cm motors. I think the only one that is marginal is Z because it needs to spin fast and torque falls with speed.

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