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Homeprototypes: storage via git

Posted by MarcusWolschon 
Homeprototypes: storage via git
January 17, 2013 07:14AM
We're still gathering people and brainstorming about an alternative design hosting site.
Name for now is "Homeprototype.org" (Already reserved the domains, so they can't be taken).

One of the main point is, where to store all the designs and images.
( [github.com] )

Please store all options, pro and contra arguments in the wiki, so they don't get lost in a lengthy discussion and we can at one point vote to make a final design decition.

Is a remote or a local git repository a possible way to go?

* can we add files to a remote repository without using storage and bandwidth to replicate it in a local repository?
* can we get public URLs for the files, so the client web browser goes directly to the repository?
* can we interrogate a remote repository about it's files, commits and branches?
* what PHP libraries can be used to do this?
* do they require the permission to execute a local git executable or special php modules?

The skaffolding at [Homeprototypes.org] has been extended to have an additional database field "storagetype" for each design and methods that check if an action like adding a file is possible for that storage type.

If we get remote respositories to work, supporting local ones too should be trivial.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/2013 07:54AM by MarcusWolschon.

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Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
January 17, 2013 01:29PM
Other sites have sucessfully used githib itself as the backend...
Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
January 17, 2013 01:40PM
So your suggestion is to hardcode the githup-api instead of one of the git-libraries?

* homeprototype free 3d design repository
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Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
January 17, 2013 01:52PM
MarcusWolschon Wrote:
> So your suggestion is to hardcode the githup-api
> instead of one of the git-libraries?
> Why?

I'm not a developer. I just know that github can be used as a backend repository for data displayed on another website.

Many of the Reprap community use github to store their designs and sources for their hardware.
Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
January 17, 2013 04:04PM
+1 for using github as the repository

- akhlut

Just remember - Iterate, Iterate, Iterate!

Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
January 17, 2013 04:11PM
Any practical advise on any php-git/github library?
Who has done anything with php and git before?

* homeprototype free 3d design repository
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Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
January 18, 2013 12:42AM
Hello akhlut grinning smiley. I agree that git can be very usefull but knowledge of how git works shouldnt be required to use the site. Thingiverse is super easy to use, anyone can just hop on and add items to their database in seconds. I remember how long it took me to conveince myself to even look closer at what github was. If we rely too much on git we will loose the masses. The Cubehero website tried hard but imho being git based ruined it. People had to get their git software setup to upload desings. Everything should be web based and kept simple and stupid. I think this site should not be for complex project developement tracking, but for sharing 3d designs. Ppl can still link back to github and use it for their complex designs and post the final files on the site.

Basicly what im saying is that github is not a user friendly thing and we have ppl of all ages, sex and education in this 3d printing business. Think about all the girlfriends, all the kids and think about every one that bought a replicator2!! tongue sticking out smiley omg... We will never make it, its, impossible! grinning smiley

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2013 12:55AM by thecrazy.
Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
January 18, 2013 03:16AM
php-git2 doesn't seem to work.
It can only fetch remote repositories to a local repository.

Any other php git libraries that can actually explore a remote git repository to find all nodes(files) and their http URLs?

When limiting to Github there's problems too:

"PHP GitHub API" doesn't give access to trees and blobs = we can't get the list of files.

Same for the "GitHub Kohana Module"

"GitHub API" isn't finished and hasn't been developed in a year.

No none of the 3 github PHP libs work for us.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2013 03:26AM by MarcusWolschon.

* homeprototype free 3d design repository
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Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
January 18, 2013 09:33AM
Can someone experiment with
[davidwalsh.name] ?
(using the github API via CURL)

I don't have time for a few days.
We need to find a way to
* list files and directories of a project in HEAD
* get http URLs for these raw files. (So we can put these URLs in
Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
January 23, 2013 08:07AM
Does anyone know about this?
A php implementation of the git protocol!
Just got told about it via Google+.

* homeprototype free 3d design repository
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Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
February 05, 2013 11:26AM
Hi all,

The guy behind Cubehero here. Been lurking for a while, and finally decided to chime in here to update some info.

The Cubehero website tried hard but imho being git based ruined it. People had to get their git software setup to upload [designs].

Cubehero doesn't require you to know or use git. You can upload your files directly on the site now. In addition, it's still based on git, so the files you upload will still be versioned. For the advanced users that still want to use git, they can.

Sorry to those of you that found it frustrating at first. I think only one person emailed me to complain about it, and it took me a little bit for me to figure this out. I'm currently (as of Feb 5th) improving the flow and first time experience.

In general, I think theCrazy is right about keeping things as easy as possible, especially anything that touches the user through their journey through 3D printing. This means building the hardware, the documentation, the software for collaboration and sharing, the software for building models.

Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
February 05, 2013 12:08PM
Good luck Will.

I'm hoping to see someone come out as the obvious winner here, and give a proper place for open source ideas to be shared, and give us a proper alternative to Thingiverse.
Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
February 06, 2013 12:39PM
xclusive585 Wrote:
> Good luck Will.
> I'm hoping to see someone come out as the obvious
> winner here, and give a proper place for open
> source ideas to be shared, and give us a proper
> alternative to Thingiverse.

Thanks. While we're here, what's the one thing you need from Cubehero to win you over? Is it clear licensing options? Is it being able to comment with others? Or is it being able to merge and fork?

Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
March 28, 2013 03:42AM
I don't have time for a few days.
We need to find a way to
* list files and directories of a project in HEAD
* get http URLs for these raw files. (So we can put these URLs in <a href="... for people to download files of a design)
Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
March 28, 2013 03:50AM
Most of the git and githun libraries are extremely incompletel when it comes to working directly with remote repositories as opposed to local clones of them.

* homeprototype free 3d design repository
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Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
May 23, 2013 09:24AM
I have been writing thingscript which is (for the sake of discussion here)just a script to generate html to represent files. The aim is that people can use it personally and put it on their own websites, but i guess it could be used on multi-user websites.

It uses caching stls into arrays with thingiview.js which takes a while. Ok for personal users, possibly too long for a server. However probably this caching is just being inefficient, besides it could be modified to use thingiview.js one of the other ways.

From the user perspective, I think the best outcome is a good number of sites people can put designs in, plus people just using their personal websites, all plugged into a thing tracker and searchable.

@iamwil what i dont like about cubehero is all the empty/pictureless items when you explore I'd push stuff without pictures(or files you can generate pictures from) or a readme down the result lists, and give users an indication that they should improve it.
Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
May 23, 2013 09:31AM
Don't limit yourself to STL.
there are a lot more like STEP, PDF, TX, AD_PRT,... to a model.

People alto upload technical drawings, original files (not just the read only STL export),...

* homeprototype free 3d design repository
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Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
May 23, 2013 11:55AM
You're completely right, and dont forget the electronics schematics! There are tons of formats, so links to programs to deal with them are appreciated. I added a page to list the status of that for thingscript.
Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
July 08, 2013 09:43PM

Is HomePrototype.org still under development? Any updates?

Seemed like a clever project.
Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
July 09, 2013 01:26AM
Nobody wanted to help and I can't do it alone. So it's abandoned.

* homeprototype free 3d design repository
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Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
August 01, 2013 10:58AM
Is this really abandoned?

Has anyone any views on the Githubiverse Template Gary Hodgson produced - see here

And if you want to see what a Githubiverse page looks like, I recently posted my 3DR delta project using the template, see here.

Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
August 05, 2013 12:04AM
Maybe we can say homeprototypes is in hibernation. "Abandoned" sounds so harsh...

Has anyone any views on the Githubiverse Template...

Sure, I think it's great! I mention it frequently in threads about TV alternatives (see here, here, here, etc).

I'd like to try using it. But (like a lot of people apparently) I don't really have much of a clue how to get started. The other day I took the plunge and made a little github repo from one of my old TV projects. But, after reading Gary's instructions on his githubiverse-template page, it looks like I didn't structure my folders properly for it to work. I can do that over again without much sweat, but I gotta be honest that the rest of his instructions are a bit beyond me. For example:

Gary Hodgson's githubiverse-template README
Edit index.md: Add a description, in markdown format, in the bottom section, or alternatively, use the description_file option in _config.yml to use file contents from the project root.

I read this and say to myself "Yes, yes, OK, I have heard some of these words before..."

It would help to have an "explain it like I'm five" tutorial about how to use the template... That's a blog post I would be happy to read... winking smiley
Re: Homeprototypes: storage via git
August 18, 2013 11:27PM
Don't abandon you did good so far. I will try to help. Richard.admathaideas
I live in Cypress Tx near Houston .
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