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3d printing magazine?

Posted by pdesigns 
3d printing magazine?
October 13, 2012 07:07PM
I´m just wondering if there is anyone interested in making a 3d printing magazine?

I was thinking on a project similar to the digital photography magazines. A free web-magazine, new editions every month or so, with general articles, how to, tips, reviews and so on...

i´m a designer so i could handle that dimension of the project..

anyone interested or think that there is any interest in developing such project?
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 14, 2012 04:24AM
I'd certainly read it, and contribute if I could, and I'm sure many others in the community would too.

I think there is enough going on to validate its existence, and whilst most of the community no doubt gather their info in real time via RSS, Google+, the forums, etc. I think collating recent events and topics in a magazine format could allow for deeper analysis and discussion, and to capture things happening in the community that perhaps are missed via other channels. It could also have featured content which pulls together the ideas and discussions from timely, related blog posts, for example the recent interest in new materials stemming from the introduction of the Laywood-D3 wood filament, or the ongoing discussion about what the community is looking for in an object repository.

I'm a big fan of Neil Underwood's "Best of the RepRap Wiki" updates (example) because it led me to some developments I would otherwise have missed. But understandably he only does this when he gets the chance. The magazine could also utilize interesting wiki updates for content in a similar way.

Thinking about it, there's a whole wealth of content available, the tricky part is probably editing it into a coherent format, and in a timely manner smiling smiley The MagPi (magazine for developments in the RaspberryPi) might be a good model to look at basing such a magazine on.

garyhodgson.com/reprap | reprap.development-tracker.info | thingtracker.net
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 14, 2012 04:54AM
Gary beat me too it, I was just thinking of the MagPi - a great read getting better with each issue.

I would also love to help, a RepRap magazine would be a popular and great read, I'm sure.

Sections could include -

A bit of History,
People and their RepRap story.
Machine Focus,
Getting started,
Printing (different things / challenges)
Filament reviews,
Future thinking,
DIY (you can make your own nozzle!)
Design software,
O/S dev, understanding firmware,
Understanding GCODE,
Part design tolerances,
Appropriate materials for use.
Advice from failure (prints that go wrong)
Top printing Tip.

Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 14, 2012 07:36AM
That would be great - the problem as I see at Reprap.org is that when you approach it the first time, you have no clue where to continue, the first page was a dead-end for me - there was no overview of RepRaps (just a handful), no classifications, and one of the most important overviews the RepRap Family Tree by +Emmanuel Gilloz is hidden. A magazine would be great to summarize worth 1-2 weeks of activities, e.g. summarize Makerbot contraversy (with a bit distance and reflection), summarize OHSummit because there important issues were discussed etc, and overview what RepRap has newly arrived in the RepRap Wiki, and kickstarter RepRap projects. I used to spend 30-40min daily to get an overview, to have this summarized on a (bi-)weekly would save me some time ;-)
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 14, 2012 08:17AM
good to see theres some interest.

richrap possible sections pretty much sums what i had in mind.i would also add a section for web resources and links.
And it would be a little like the Magpi example gary mentioned.

if i could get a handful of people to compromise to do one test edition, selection of the sections
and writing one article i would give the time and make all those into a magazine.
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 14, 2012 08:31AM
This is a very timely thought. One which may help kill two birds with one stone - distilling some of the information out of the wiki while providing an easily accessible entry point into the hobby.

I would really like to hear the perspectives of the much more seasoned members of the project regarding the makerbot/thingiverse issue, especially from richrap and nophead.

@Rich - I really like the sections you break the mag up into. All that is very much needed. Especially the mechanics for the beginner.

I was actually thinking of building an informational website that focused solely on the mechanical subsystems of the reprap breeds - something that provides very basic info to the novice. The only issue is I haven't built a website since 1997! So I'm a little intimidated by the cost of new programs I would need to get it off the ground. I know there are probably free packages out there, but I'm kinda already stuck in the adobe universe...

But if this Reprap Mag gets off the ground I'd certainly like to contribute.

- akhlut

Just remember - Iterate, Iterate, Iterate!

Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 14, 2012 07:55PM
I am a magazine and newspaper publisher. I would be interested in producing a 3D Printing magazine. Lets get an advisory board together and talk about it! I just bought a Prusa and it is a lot of fun. I haven't printed anything except sinuous balls of wasted ABS but its a lot of fun trying to figure this out! I can see how this will sweep the world. My email address is editor (at) srsgmag.com
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 14, 2012 08:27PM
Oh this sounds soooo cool! Def. need something. I'm in too for whatever I can help with
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 14, 2012 09:12PM
i´ve given a some more thoughts about this idea, and decided to give it a serious approach.

in the next days i will be writing and sketching on the needs and requirements of such project.

in the mean time feel free to leave your thoughts about this in this post or send me a message.

Jody sorry but for me this is a project that makes sense if it is build by this community and for this community.
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 15, 2012 12:31AM
have you guys seen this? seems pretty cool.
its online,maybe not what you had in mind.

Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 15, 2012 01:03AM
3D magazine will look beautiful. I cannot help you because I have no interest in designing. My friends love designing and I love their designs. So I can guess about the look of this magazine.
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 15, 2012 02:30AM
... sounds like the next step in gaining broader audience for RepRap smileys with beer

I'll be interested too in either online or printed ... or both grinning smiley

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Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 15, 2012 05:13AM
what i had in mind was not so much a website like 3ders.org, witch is good, but i what i was thinking was really on the mag format, and dealing with specific topics (pretty much the sections richrap listed).

This would be an on-line edition, pdf or similar, and possibly a small web page for support in the beginning.

I would like it to be a mag for both experience users, for new users and to bring even more users.
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 15, 2012 06:09AM
I'll supply comics when I can, if there's interest.

Blog with RepRap Comic
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 15, 2012 07:05AM
Nudel Wrote:
> I'll supply comics when I can, if there's
> interest.

@Nudel - Your comic's are Awesome! - always make me smile and think, it would be great to have them in a RepRap magazine, I would go straight to that page first smiling smiley

Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 15, 2012 07:13AM
Great idea guys. I am about write an article on the future of 3D printing. Will be great place (mag) to publish.
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 15, 2012 01:17PM
I would definitely be willing to support and contribute to this mag. I would like to see it focus mostly on RepRap-based printers, maybe with occasional articles on the 3D printing world in general. I would like to see it in a magazine format rather than a website format.

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Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 15, 2012 04:22PM
My first issue hasn't arrived. When can I expect it. Doh!spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Are we talking a paper copy, and e-copy or blog... or all?

I'm interested.

Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 15, 2012 10:18PM
I would be interested in this and interested in being involved with this.
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 16, 2012 09:25AM
I like this idea, if for no other reason than the thought of an editor summarizing and correlating the firehose or 3D printing goings-on. Am I right in assuming that the focus would be on hobby machines, and not commercial 3D printers?

Edit: Utter failure to proofread.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/17/2012 09:06AM by Dale Dunn.
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 16, 2012 05:39PM
richrap Wrote:
> @Nudel - Your comic's are Awesome! - always make
> me smile and think, it would be great to have them
> in a RepRap magazine, I would go straight to that
> page first smiling smiley

Thanks richrap! smiling smiley Glad you like my doodling. I have some neat storylines lined up with inspiration from IRC #reprap , just need to find some time to draw them all. Some quick sketches for a monthly magazine should be doable though.

Blog with RepRap Comic
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 16, 2012 05:47PM
I think this is a great idea, good way to keep updated with the times smiling smiley
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 16, 2012 06:03PM
Great idea and lots of support. As an Engineer and designer of light automation machines I would be interested in providing technical content when possible.
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 16, 2012 07:14PM
Good to see the general interest!

I´m studying the best way to set this project on.

Nudel your comics are great, and certainly will have a space!

Dale Dunn, yes the main focus would be on reprap machines, not pure commercial models.
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 16, 2012 09:37PM
A magazine would be amazing. Myself and everyone here would probably love to contribute.
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 17, 2012 03:41AM
Just like most posters here I think it would be a good thing, but the cynic in me must come out,

Will it be, by the community and for the community, will advertising be included, will it be truly
independent, I am sorry to sound negative but if the commercial interests got the upper hand with this magazine
it would be dangerous.

Random Precision
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 17, 2012 05:37AM
Johnrpm does are good points to ask about. They concern me to.

I really wish it to be by the community and for the community. Makes no sense to me to work on the project unless thats the basic principle sustaining it.

As to advertising in my opinion there is space for that in this project. There are always new members arriving, and it could be helpful for them to have some pub from web-shops in the mag, even if it is just to know more buying options, or new products available.

That said, advertising is by no means a crucial aspect of the project, and most likely there will be no publicity in the first edition (hopefully there will be a first edition!) This aspect will be manage as the project takes off!

In the independence aspect. Well i´m new to reprap, my printer is 3 months old (!!) so i think that is as much independent as it gets. To be able to produce a magazine with a regular release date the project needs a base team (the next step), otherwise this would be very hard to manage. Ideally people with experience in reprap, and respected active members of the community. There is a chance that some of them might be involved in commercial projects, and if that happens i think it's a matter of working a possible down side into added value.

Conclusion is that at this point this are important questions, and they will be managed as this projects is developed.
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 17, 2012 06:05AM
... there should be sections for a 'marketplace' and comercial advertising too, but clearly separated from 'community only'-issues and stated as 'commercial', as this is handled in most other theme-specific magazines too ...

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Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 17, 2012 08:05AM
vdx you are right. i will search for a balanced compromise.
Re: 3d printing magazine?
October 17, 2012 08:23AM
... and don't forget to charge a fee for comercial content winking smiley

Aufruf zum Projekt "Müll-freie Meere" - [reprap.org] -- Deutsche Facebook-Gruppe - [www.facebook.com]

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