I have designed an object in multiple parts.
So I can print each part separately.
For illustration purpose, I have placed all parts in one source and rendered it as one complex object.
I have done this as an exploded view, which renders ok.
Next I have placed all parts in their proper position.
Now, the rendering is ok, with one warning, being not manifold.
(Each part itself is manifold, so it must be the assembly.
Thisi not a problem, as the STL is ment to be shown on thingiverse, as a mockup.
However: when I want to export the STL, I am asked to supply the folder after which Openscad crashes.
This happens each time so the STL can not be saved.
Is this normal? I think not.
Not being manifold is not a crashworthy condition for saving is it ?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2016 12:39PM by Replace.
Orca V4.4 rebuild to Ramps with Mk8 and E3D, as well as a Rostock Delta Mini and an OLO in backorder :-)