Is search broken?
November 02, 2009 05:21PM
Greetings Admin(s) et al,

Is the search function broken -- or am I doing something wrong?

I tried searching on the single term PLA (for all forums and all times), but I get zero results.
However, this string is in both message subjects and messages in the last month.
Is a three letter string too short for our search function?

(If so, ABS is in a similar boat.)

-- Larry
Re: Is search broken?
November 06, 2009 01:29PM
I had the same problem searching for "5D" I managed to do a Google site search for it. []
Re: Is search broken?
January 08, 2010 11:24AM
Nice if this could be fixed. It is almost impossible to search for recommendations for printing with a number of different plastics.
Re: Is search broken?
January 09, 2010 11:55AM
Nice if this could be fixed. It is almost impossible to search for recommendations for printing with a number of different plastics.

Logged as a bug.

Nophead's PMMA (acrylic) results only exist as a teaser link on the main blog

And we need to bring it into our main documentation here.

Generally, the forum will be a snapshot of plastic usage, and the wiki and postmediawiki will be more structured. Right now most research never gets into documentation. I blame the documentation system, which has a number of faults.
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