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Nazi Mods

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Nazi Mods
February 22, 2014 11:10PM
I'm tired of these self righteous moderators deleting my posts. It's repression of free speech. Plain and simple. I think the bill of rights has precedent in all public spaces. You should be able to say whatever comes to your mind on here. What good is the INTERNET if not for freedom of speech?
Re: Nazi Mods
February 22, 2014 11:31PM
I think the bill of rights has precedent in all public spaces.

This isn't a public place, and I wouldn't say the moderators are self righteous at all. I would say most folks here are onboard with the majority of your posts being deleted, as typically very few lend themselves to constructive dialogue.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/22/2014 11:33PM by greenman100.
Anonymous User
Re: Nazi Mods
February 22, 2014 11:34PM
This isn't a public place.

What is the open source movement if not open?
Re: Nazi Mods
February 23, 2014 12:02AM
The Bill of Rights only defines what the US government can or can't do, anyway - they're amendments to the US constitution.

Nothing to do with private resources.
Re: Nazi Mods
February 23, 2014 01:27AM
For what it's worth, keeping in mind my 15 years of experience as the Senior Forum Administrator on one of the larger MMO gaming forums on the planet, the moderators here have been very lenient with you. I don't know what your beef with certain people is all about, I don't particularly care, but some of what you have been posting is way out of line. I would have banned you weeks ago personally.

A forum is a private enterprise. There is a server somewhere in a server closet somewhere, They pay to give it electricity and bandwidth. Unless you see "property of U.S. Government" stamped on the side of it, it's just like you going into a restaurant and pooping on the tables all the groups trying to enjoy their meal. Is it your right to spew crap? Sure, but the restaurant certainly has the right to tell you not to do it where they don't want to clean up after it, and the right to tell you to go away and not come back if you continue to do so after they ask you not to.

But still, it’s their call, and I’m sure they can fight their own battles. What really kind of irked me though, and prompted me to post, is the incessant need that some idiots (that’s you by the way Ohio Plastics in case you were wondering) feel to equate hard working (often unpaid) individuals only trying to keep things clean and tidy, with the greatest monsters in history. I’ve been to Dachau. I’ve seen the footage of the rows and rows of thousands of bodies stacked like cordwood waiting to be burned. I’ve stood in the “showers”. Only the absolute worst kind of delusional halfwit asshole would ever call someone else a Nazi over something as inconsequential as having a post or two moved or removed. Hopefully anyone ever considering doing business with your company will see your contributions to society and be moved, as I am, to never give you any money. Ever.
On behalf of offended moderators everywhere, I hope you go bankrupt and get the clap.


P.S. Have a Nice Day!
Re: Nazi Mods
February 23, 2014 12:00PM
How about reading the Rules and Guidelines of this forum?
Re: Nazi Mods
February 23, 2014 02:39PM
When I saw the subject line I thought someone painted their printer Wermacht Gray.

Re: Nazi Mods
February 23, 2014 04:02PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2014 09:04PM by Dirty Steve.
Re: Nazi Mods
February 23, 2014 10:48PM
The founders of the internet foresaw such occasions. Identities are disposable. I'm so glad to be banned from here. I'll wear it as a badge of honor for the rest of my life. My middle finger waves free, like the American flag.
Re: Nazi Mods
February 24, 2014 09:20PM

Hat's off. Hope I can buy you a beer someday! smileys with beer

Unfortunately morons are vaccinated against basic human decency, as can be seen by the post above mine, by Ohio plastics no doubt. Kind of pathetic.
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