Italian section restyling smiling smiley
March 07, 2014 01:07PM
Hello mates and folks. I would like to introduce the new style of the Italian section with a question.

Do you think someone could be offended by using icons, founded by a Google search, without asking permissions to use them?

Look and tell me: []

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Yes, after this huge restyle I'll take some time to edit the rules and FAQ on the General Forum dear MattMoses thumbs up smiling smiley

---- "Let me make my move" ----
Re: Italian section restyling smiling smiley
March 07, 2014 01:48PM
Do you think someone could be offended by using icons, founded by a Google search, without asking permissions to use them?
Most of those images look generic enough that you're probably OK using them. However, this image:

I know for a fact is copyrighted, and is from the book Code Complete by Steve McConnell. Jeff Atwood uses that image as the logo for his blog, Coding Horror, but he got permission from Steve McConnell to use the image. See the "What is the meaning of 'Coding Horror'?" section of Jeff Atwood's About Me page. Maybe find a different image for this subforum?

This image:

is an icon made by Apple, but seems to be used all over the place and is probably ok to use here.

Looks good. Is there any way we can have the images hosted on though, so that there's less risk of broken image links, etc.?

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Re: Italian section restyling smiling smiley
March 07, 2014 02:19PM
Hi and thanks (again winking smiley)

I will change that one. For the upload I will as soon as possible, btw they are hosted in my web site.

---- "Let me make my move" ----
Re: Italian section restyling smiling smiley
March 07, 2014 03:04PM
The icons really are a nice touch. Maybe see what the users of your forum think of them after a while, and we could do something similar to the rest of the RepRap subforums. I really do like how basic and clean the RepRap forum is right now, but small touches like your icons could still improve the overall look. It would be nice if we could get some themed icons made specifically for RepRap forums, if there are any volunteers. I don't have the necessary artistic skills otherwise I would volunteer to do it smiling smiley

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Re: Italian section restyling smiling smiley
March 07, 2014 03:25PM
Icon change done. I will monitor the users and, actually, the featuer they ask more is to have a preview of the last topic updated in the main page (the one I linked) and not just the numbers of new topics/views/etc. But this is not fundamental.
I will update, thank you.

---- "Let me make my move" ----
Re: Italian section restyling smiling smiley
March 07, 2014 09:57PM
This is nice work, Gordie! smiling smiley

However, I think we should do our best to make sure that we have permission to use all the images, even if they are tiny icons.

For example, this image looks familiar:

Who took the original photograph? Have they released the rights to it?

Ideally all of the clip art we use would be on the wiki, with the permissions clearly stated (kind of like how Wikipedia handles copyright info for their images - see this image for example).

I know the images are small and it doesn't seem like a big deal, but it is important for to act as a good example when it comes to giving proper credit. This is especially true because so many people on this site tend to "go bananas" when they think someone has used a piece of open source technology without proper attribution.
Re: Italian section restyling smiling smiley
March 07, 2014 10:13PM
For example, this image looks familiar:

Who took the original photograph? Have they released the rights to it?
I do believe that is a MendelMax 2.0. Looks pretty close to the image here:

Edit: and yeah, we do need to make sure all the images we use are free-use and properly attributed if necessary. Maybe we could set up a wiki page of RepRap-themed clip art, and draw from there?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2014 10:17PM by NewPerfection.

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Re: Italian section restyling smiling smiley
March 08, 2014 04:28AM
Thanks MattMoses.

I've found a lot of sites that has royalty free icons, should I go on and search into them or is better to look for someone here in the forum to design an icon's set themed for the RepRap project? smiling smiley

Edit: Look at these [] [] []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/08/2014 06:36AM by Gordie.
Re: Italian section restyling smiling smiley
March 11, 2014 05:10AM
Update: I've selected a new set of icons, taken from the Open Icon Library. I will upload it on the Wiki and edit this post with the relative links. smiling smiley

---- "Let me make my move" ----
Re: Italian section restyling smiling smiley
April 12, 2014 06:22AM
Here we are, these are the OpenSource icons set I've used. Here is the italian section.

From the top:
[] This is for the "General topics" where we talk all about RepRap and 3D printing, note that we DON'T allow to talk about printing problems in this section.
[] This is for the "FAQ and guides section", guides are for forum's use and 3D printing (Ex:I made a guide for the endstops)
[] This is for "Main printing problems section" where skilled users talk about their problems
[] This is for "Newbie printing problems section" where new users ask help
[] This is for "Electronics and mechanical section" where users talk about linear guides, Ramps, cabling, bushing, etc
[] This is for "Extruders, hotends, hotbeds and filament materials (ABS,PLA,etc) section"
[] This is for "Sftware and Firmware section"
[] This is for "Projects and new ideas section", since italians are inventors/makers and we have a lot of inventions on 3D printing ;-)
[] This is for "Presentations and OffTopic section"
[] This is for "Market section" where users ask for printing service and companies make announcements

[] This is for "Watch out!", gives some warning about something.

Since I've done the restyle I can say that the users are very happy about icons and sub-sections. They find them very useful. thumbs up

---- "Let me make my move" ----

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