Help getting new Wiki accounts
February 28, 2016 01:11AM
If you would like a RepRap Wiki account and you do not have one already, please send a PM to MattMoses or DeuxVis or thejollygrimreaper and we can set one up for you.

In the PM please include a valid email address and your desired username for the wiki account.

At the moment, the only way to get a new wiki account is to have an admin set one up for you manually. We have been having trouble with spam on the wiki, and for this reason new account creation has been limited. The spam problem is ongoing and we are still fine-tuning our response, so please be patient. smiling smiley

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/2016 11:27PM by MattMoses.
Re: Help getting new Wiki accounts
February 29, 2016 08:59PM
Hello, I posted a question about not being able to register on the homepage and was referred to this thread.
Is it possible to have an account created so I can log in ?

Please advise. Thanks for your help, MattMoses.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/29/2016 09:00PM by SysAdmin.
Re: Help getting new Wiki accounts
March 02, 2016 01:06AM
Is it possible to have an account created so I can log in?
Yes. Send me a PM with your email and your desired username. Please note: I can't make your wiki username "SysAdmin" - people would get really really confused when you make edits.

You can be something like "SysAdminIRL" or "SysAdminDude" or "SysAdminGuy" or something else entirely. But no "SysAdmin" smiling smiley
Re: Help getting new Wiki accounts
March 05, 2016 02:17PM

I would like to contribute to the wiki. I've been trying to figure out for AGES why I wasn't able to set up an account! I thought I was just being an idiot.

Please could I have an account created too.

Re: Help getting new Wiki accounts
March 05, 2016 10:35PM
Please could I have an account created too.
Yes. Please send a PM to myself or DeuxVis with your email and desired username for the wiki.
Re: Help getting new Wiki accounts
April 26, 2016 12:34AM
Hello, I tries to register on the homepage last few days and was referred to this thread.
until read this topic
Thanks for your help, MattMoses.
Re: Help getting new Wiki accounts
April 26, 2016 04:24AM
Hello, I tries to register on the homepage last few days and was referred to this thread.
until read this topic
Thanks for your help, MattMoses.

Since we don't know you yet, can you explain why you want a wiki account, and what you plan to do in the wiki please ?

Please don't take that question personally, take it as an occasion to introduce yourself and your work.

Thanks in advance.

Most of my technical comments should be correct, but is THIS one ?
Anyway, as a rule of thumb, always double check what people write.
Re: Help getting new Wiki accounts
April 26, 2016 02:57PM
OK .no problem
I benefited from wiki to made my own reprap .and I'm from the Arab region , the Arabic content is so boor , i well work to translate some main pages to Arabic language.
thank you DeuxVis
Re: Help getting new Wiki accounts
April 27, 2016 04:13AM
Sounds good, more translations are always welcome.

Please send me - or MattMoses or thejollygrimreaper - a private message with the user name and email address you want to use for your wiki account.

Most of my technical comments should be correct, but is THIS one ?
Anyway, as a rule of thumb, always double check what people write.
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