***URGENT!!!*** Wiki can no longer be edited April 22, 2018 02:51PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 14,685 |
Re: ***URGENT!!!*** Wiki can no longer be edited April 22, 2018 06:27PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 730 |
Re: ***URGENT!!!*** Wiki can no longer be edited April 23, 2018 04:40AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 14,685 |
Re: ***URGENT!!!*** Wiki can no longer be edited April 23, 2018 04:55AM |
Admin Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 14,005 |
Re: ***URGENT!!!*** Wiki can no longer be edited April 23, 2018 09:21AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 730 |
Re: ***URGENT!!!*** Wiki can no longer be edited April 23, 2018 09:56AM |
Admin Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 14,005 |
Location on the server
The LocalSettings.php file is not a wiki page and you cannot access it with your web browser. Instead, it is a file in the file system of the server. Its contents are generated during the initial setup of the wiki and the resulting file must be copied on the server manually. The file must be located in the folder you installed MediaWiki into, on the same level with folders like includes/and skins/ and files like api.php. If this file is not there, the wiki will not work at all - if the wiki does work, the file is there. If you do not know where it is, you can enter a command such as find / -iname LocalSettings.php -print in a terminal window to locate it.
Re: ***URGENT!!!*** Wiki can no longer be edited April 23, 2018 11:07AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 730 |
Re: ***URGENT!!!*** Wiki can no longer be edited April 23, 2018 11:19AM |
Admin Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 14,005 |
Re: ***URGENT!!!*** Wiki can no longer be edited May 27, 2018 04:31PM |
Admin Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 52 |
Re: ***URGENT!!!*** Wiki can no longer be edited May 28, 2018 02:02AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 14,685 |
Re: ***URGENT!!!*** Wiki can no longer be edited May 28, 2018 08:23AM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 7,616 |
I know that reprap.org is managed by volunteer labour, but I am not even a moderator here so I am powerless to help. So please can the forum admins deal with this as soon as possible.
Generation 7 Electronics | Teacup Firmware | RepRap DIY |
Re: ***URGENT!!!*** Wiki can no longer be edited May 29, 2018 01:41AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 14,685 |
I know that reprap.org is managed by volunteer labour, but I am not even a moderator here so I am powerless to help. So please can the forum admins deal with this as soon as possible.
OMG, what a big lot of cheap excuses. Everybody asking for privileges to get some task done got them so far, usually within hours. Your whining is exactly the reason why its so hard to motivate volunteers. Volunteers gain nothing but flaming.
It's done now. Not because of your post, but despite of it.
BTW., if you want to do the wiki a favor, shell out all that RepRapFirmware special stuff into a separate page. The G-code page became pretty useless for normal firmwares.
GCodes wiki page
As many different firmwares exist and their developers tend to implement new features without discussing strategies or looking what others did before them, a lot of different sub-flavours for the 3D-Printer specific codes developed over the years. This particular page is the master page for RepRap. Nowhere in here should the same code be used for two different things; there are always more numbers to use... The rule is: add your new code here, then implement it.
Unfortunately human nature being what it is, the best procedures aren't always followed, so some multiple uses of the same code exist. The rule which should be followed is that later appearances of a code on this page (later than the original use of a code), are deprecated and should be changed, unless there is a good technical reason (like the general G-Code standard) why a later instance should be preferred. Note that the key date is appearance here, not date of implementation.
Re: ***URGENT!!!*** Wiki can no longer be edited May 29, 2018 05:55AM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 7,616 |
- I didn't ask for privileges
With RepRapFirmware we care about having good documentation.
Generation 7 Electronics | Teacup Firmware | RepRap DIY |
Re: ***URGENT!!!*** Wiki can no longer be edited May 29, 2018 04:18PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 14,685 |
- I didn't ask for privileges
That's exactly your problem. Instead of volunteering you just jump around with bold letters and star-row ***panic***, trying to blame people for things you should do yourself.
With RepRapFirmware we care about having good documentation.
Then bring that page back into a usable state. Right now it's like 80% RepRapFirmware-only, only small portions left on what's actually needed: G1, G92, M104, M0. Perhaps also a few helpers like G0, M105, M109/M116, M114. If your firmware/hardware can't figure on its own how to operate a printer and needs countless additional G-codes with literally hundreds of parameters: too bad. No need to let everybody else suffer from that need. G-code is simple, made for and usable by users typing on a keyboard.
reprap.org GCode wiki page
As many different firmwares exist and their developers tend to implement new features without discussing strategies or looking what others did before them, a lot of different sub-flavours for the 3D-Printer specific codes developed over the years. This particular page is the master page for RepRap. Nowhere in here should the same code be used for two different things; there are always more numbers to use... The rule is: add your new code here, then implement it.