racial supremacy is allowed in reprap.org 2.0
August 15, 2021 11:37AM
Hi, in view that no other administrator has shown and that the german administrator called Viktor Dirks with VDK pseudonym has not acknowledged his xenophobic and scapegoating comments based in racism nor apologized for his racism, nor has removed his racist comments and has blocked and moved my thread and finally has tried to justify his racism by saying that he has lived in central asia and also has tried to apology for being insensible rather than racist and xenophobic in front of a chinese citizen, which i'm not, I'm from canary islands, i will open a lawsuit in the European Court of Human Rights ECHR against Viktor Dirks and any other European administrator and also against reprap.org for not only the posting of racism by this forum administrators but by using their administrators status to maintain institutional racism in reprap.org when trying to block the exposure of their racism .

This is the right thing to do and i hope this helps to make a precedent to remove supremacism and racism from international technology forums.

I will inform the developments of this lawsuit and will publish it in reddit and other 3d-printing, cnc, diy, etc forums directing the responsibility to reprap.org

link of the screenshot of his original racist comments in high resolution

link of the screenshoot of the first thread where he made the racist comments

link of screenshot of the second thread in full resolution

Edited 11 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2021 12:30PM by ayozek.
Re: racial supremacy is allowed in reprap.org 2.0
August 15, 2021 12:40PM

Internalized racism

Internalized racism is a form of internalized oppression, defined by sociologist Karen D. Pyke as the "internalization of racial oppression by the racially subordinated."[1] In her study The Psychology of Racism, Robin Nicole Johnson emphasizes that internalized racism involves both "conscious and unconscious acceptance of a racial hierarchy in which whites are consistently ranked above people of color."[2] These definitions encompass a wide range of instances, including, but not limited to, belief in negative racial stereotypes, adaptations to white cultural standards, and thinking that supports the status quo (i.e. denying that racism exists).[3]

Internalized racism as a phenomenon is a direct product of a racial classification system, and is found across different racial groups and regions around the world where race exists as a social construct.[1] In these places, internalized racism can have adverse effects on those who experience it. For example, high internalized racism scores have been linked to poor health outcomes among Caribbean black women, higher propensity for violence among African American young males, and increased domestic violence among Native American populations in the US.[4][5][6]

Responses to internalized racism have been varied. Many of the approaches focus on dispelling false narratives learned from racial oppression. An example of opposition to internalized racism is the "Black is beautiful" cultural movement in the US, which sought to "directly attack [the] ideology" that blackness was ugly.[7]

Stereotype threat

Stereotype threat is a phenomenon studied in psychology in which members of a stigmatized group risk conforming to negative stereotypes through internalization of their validity.[17] In a 2018 study from Taylor, Garcia, Shelton and Yantis, note that both stereotype threat and a "black sheep effect" are products of internalized racism.[18] Through being reminded of negative stereotypes associated with their race, participants responded with increased uncertainty, lower performance on tasks, and emotional reactions of anger and shame. They also sought to distance themselves from ingroup, stereotype confirming members, so as to avoid being targeted with negative generalizations.[18]

Stereotype threat from internalized racism goes beyond the individual. Those who experience internalized racism may end up projecting internalized negative attitudes onto others in their racial group. For example, teachers of color in the United States risk seeing their students through the lens of internalized racism.[19] Because a teacher's expectations for a student's success can have empirical impacts on their educational outcomes, this puts students of color at an increased risk for impaired educational development.[20][19]

Todd Platts and Kim Hoosier professors of sociology at Piedmont Virginia Community College examined ways to reduce stereotype threats in the classroom. These ways include task reframing, by implementing a change in the grading system, that will keep students anonymous by assigning students a number or a codename, to eliminate known or unknown biases that the instructor might have, positive affirmation, recognizing positive traits students possess to enhance self-worth and ambitions, constructive feedback, by providing feedback in areas that students are struggling in and how they can improve the in those areas. Platts and Hoosier also stated that stereotype threat needs to be faced head on, needs to be discussed early in the semester, along with expectations of the students and the time should be spent reviewing material, that way students known that it is achievable to pass the class.[21]
Re: racial supremacy is allowed in reprap.org 2.0
August 15, 2021 12:41PM
Please put links to Reddit and other any other forums where you discuss this. Links to the case in the EHCR would also be informative.

I would be interested in knowing what part or words or alternatively what construction of meaning you put on VDK's posting as quoted below.

... if you're intereted, how ressources can be badly dumped or wasted, then look for chinese "tofu-dreg" projects

Even if I did see what your complaint is, I suspect that your repeated threats of violence, and even your claim to a "right of violence" would disqualify you as a fit person to bring such a claim.

..........yes i will proudly use my right to commit an act of physical violence against anyone invading my space or public space with hate speech as it happened in uk during the battle of cable street, and i know that you are using this argument as an hyperbole to silence me or get me banned..........

If you fail to give a reasonably coherent and understandable claim I will certainly request that you should be banned from the forum.

Re: racial supremacy is allowed in reprap.org 2.0
August 15, 2021 12:47PM
i didn't make personal threats of violence against Viktor dirks or any administrator or user of this forum, this was used as excuse by them to maintain racism in reprap.org and block my threads.

this is a issue between me and this forum, otherwise you cannot excuse racism and as forum member you must be expelled by an administrator for trying to justify racism, however its probably that you are one of the administrator's multiple accounts as agent provocateur wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_provocateur, i will ask for this member account IP as well if possible.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2021 12:53PM by ayozek.
Re: racial supremacy is allowed in reprap.org 2.0
August 15, 2021 12:53PM
Now reported as you can neither justify your threats, or cite any reason for your definitely hateful and possibly racially motivated remarks.

Re: racial supremacy is allowed in reprap.org 2.0
August 15, 2021 12:57PM
threats against which person in this forum?, you are still playing the game of house dog in this forum with fake escalations and the only member account standing to support racism and you must have a reason for that, even your account has the same registration date that the forum administrators accounts.

Apart from the screenshots I have the internet history with links to this thread and forum, they are sufficient for the lawsuit in the European Court of Human Rights

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2021 01:13PM by ayozek.
Re: racial supremacy is allowed in reprap.org 2.0
August 15, 2021 01:25PM
... I think, this has gone wide enough - I have not other solution against this ongoing "flame-war", than ban the user "ayozek" ... but will leave his threads visible for a time being (all the threads are in my backups, even with all the 100+ edits of them, which he did to "solidify" his stand).

It's sad, how such a situation could start and thats not possible to clear it in a sound way sad smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2021 01:34PM by VDX.

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Re: racial supremacy is allowed in reprap.org 2.0
August 15, 2021 07:32PM
... I think, this has gone wide enough - I have not other solution against this ongoing "flame-war", than ban the user "ayozek" ... but will leave his threads visible for a time being (all the threads are in my backups, even with all the 100+ edits of them, which he did to "solidify" his stand).

It's sad, how such a situation could start and thats not possible to clear it in a sound way sad smiley

A very reasonable and diplomatic response.

Thank you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2021 07:33PM by rq3.
Re: racial supremacy is allowed in reprap.org 2.0
August 16, 2021 05:43AM
For info, ayozek did try to get a discussion going on Reddit, but it was removed by the moderators in about 2 hours [www.reddit.com]

Re: racial supremacy is allowed in reprap.org 2.0
August 17, 2021 03:52PM
Is it ok to say this guy is coming across like a right loon, whatever the plan/agenda he has seems to have been quashed, challenging the master race smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2021 03:59PM by MechaBits.
Re: racial supremacy is allowed in reprap.org 2.0
August 17, 2021 04:43PM
... I'll be glad, if this fades away without further hassles ... had several other "flame-wars", where we had to clean up afterwards several of the sub-forums -- this is the main reason behind the 2-day-editing-limit of the posts eye rolling smiley

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Re: racial supremacy is allowed in reprap.org 2.0
August 18, 2021 07:49PM
A peculiarity of publishing - remarks within quotation marks do not originate from the author, they are merely quoting someone else.

I wouldn't so much categorize Viktor as anti- anything particularly, he's just totally pro German in terms of manufacturing standards.
Re: racial supremacy is allowed in reprap.org 2.0
August 19, 2021 01:07AM
... it is not necessarily "pro Germany", but more "for reasonable" or at least "reliable" safety standards for critical structures, on which life or health depends.

Even here in Germany, not everything is perfect ... but at least I can be sure that my house will not collapse if I slam the door a bit harder!

However, there are also "in the West" cases of botched construction - most recently seen in the partial collapse of a high-rise in Surfside, Florida sad smiley

Aufruf zum Projekt "Müll-freie Meere" - [reprap.org] -- Deutsche Facebook-Gruppe - [www.facebook.com]

Call for the project "garbage-free seas" - [reprap.org]
Re: racial supremacy is allowed in reprap.org 2.0
May 01, 2023 02:28PM
... check the dates - this is a pretty outdated thread ... no need to revive ...

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